sativa or indica


Well-Known Member
a friend of mine gave me some seeds for several different plants, but due my current setup is geared towards indica plants, once my seeds start sprouting what do i look for to tell whether it is one or the other, also my other seeds have rooted i do believe and have just broke the surface but havent done much since advice? help?


Active Member
sativa plants have fatter leaves and indica have longer skinnier leaves, most srains anymore are sativa indica blends unless u get a pure strain which all i found of those are high dollar good seeds!!! maybe some


New Member
No you have it the other way around. Sativas have long skinny leaves and indicas have the fat ones. Pure sativa is supposed to be the bomb


Well-Known Member
well i know for a fact that i have some lemon skunk along with a hybrid my friend has been working on for a while now, but as far as the unknown seeds the sprout is fairly tall, im not sure what to make of that one yet if i do find out that it is sativa it will be moved to another closet, and i want to buy an LED setup for that one, but im not sure how well they work either


Well-Known Member
Tall sprouts don't mean a lot, really. I've got a 75% indica (Citral) that sprouted high. I have another 75% indica (Top44) that sprouted low as hell. To further confuse, one has fat leaves, one has skinny. With mixed genetics these days, you never know what the leaves will look like. The last time (besides now, 9 years ago) that I grew, I popped up a pure Mexican Sativa from a bag of the schwaggiest bullshit ghetto-bud brick bag ever - delivered in truck tires from Mexico! It grew strong and high FAST AS HELL. A month in, it was 3.5 feet tall with a very thick, sturdy stem. It had skinny leaves. Unlucky for me, it was male. 19 days into my current indica grow, my babies are about 3-4 inches tall. If you have a heavy sativa, it should take off. Not uncommon to see 10+ foot sativas.


Well-Known Member
also out of the 10 i planted only that one has shot up like that the rest are still struggling to break the soil line, its been 6 days....
should this worry me? the other seeds all germinated perfectly