Sativa problem.


Well-Known Member
Have you checked your ph of your water? I had a similar problem and it was my ph. Thought I had a def when in all actually I did because my ph being so high was locking out my nutrient uptake by the plant. Also what I noticed about sativa's is that they don't need much food, I was growing super silver haze and she was very very tricky, didn't like alot of food, very finicky strain


Well-Known Member
I would say it looks like a N - deficiency. Try and lower tha PH to around 6.5 in soil regardless. What are you feeding them and how often? Also, what kind of lighting are you using? Lack of quality lighting could be an issue.


pH is too high. You are getting nutrient lock out. I'd flush with 3 times volume of pot of 1/4 strength nute solution with RO water or preferably rainwater


Well-Known Member
nitrogen deffeciency looks similar but the leaves are more faded yellow with a bit of white shade on them , i would say check your EC. looks almost like a mag lockout. are u growing soil or hydro. if hydro get a fresh batch of water in that res and add trace elements and keep the nutes a bit low


Well-Known Member
nitrogen deffeciency looks similar but the leaves are more faded yellow with a bit of white shade on them , i would say check your EC. looks almost like a mag lockout. are u growing soil or hydro. if hydro get a fresh batch of water in that res and add trace elements and keep the nutes a bit low
how do i deal with a mag lockout