Sativa still not showing sex


Active Member
Hi guys! I have a couple of plants started from bag seeds wich I assume are Thai sativas since I live in SE Asia. I took cuttings from them when they were around 4 feet, and I have planted indoors under 12/12 for about 4 weeks now (2 x 65 watt CFL, it doesnt matter if i get low yield, i just want them to flower!). At the inter nodes I see what i assume are preflowers but they just turn out to be new leafs growing out. It just doesnt show its sex. Can someone enlighten me on making sativa show sex indoors. They just keep on getting taller without any signs of pistils or balls.
The mother plants are left outdoors which are already about 5 feet high and also no signs of flowering, they just keep getting taller and taller. Do thai sativas need to grow to more than 10 feet before they show sex? I have read almost everything I could find online and have come to a conclusion that it will show sex under 12/12 no matter what but doesnt seem that way in my case.


Well-Known Member
in order to make the plants flower they have to have 12 hours of complete darkness no lights at all on the plants during the 12 hours of darkness


Active Member
I think what I'm looking for is the sex of the plant.

It is in complete darkness for 12 hours, no light leaks.


Well-Known Member
And nobody thinks he needs more light to trigger flowering? What color temp are your bulbs? Are you giving them bloom nutes?


Active Member
Nutrient varieties are limited over here. I am just using regular organic 15/15/15 pellet type nutes. I can see sort of like a little bird mouth opening at the nodes but on the mother plant this usually just turns out to be a new leaf. I am hoping this is not the case with these clones.


Active Member
2 x 65watt cfl (1 warm + 1 cool). I understand that even with lower light levels, it'll still show sex and flower just a lower yield is expected. Am i mistaken?
I have 2 clones, each about 10" tall with at least 5 nodes each, in a 3' x 1' x 4'space.


Well-Known Member
2 x 65watt cfl (1 warm + 1 cool). I understand that even with lower light levels, it'll still show sex and flower just a lower yield is expected. Am i mistaken?
I have 2 clones, each about 10" tall with at least 5 nodes each, in a 3' x 1' x 4'space.
I only thought this because I tried CFL's had the same problem as you. I added a few more 2700k's and within 10 days they started flowering. No facts to back it up just thought I would help.


Active Member
I only thought this because I tried CFL's had the same problem as you. I added a few more 2700k's and within 10 days they started flowering. No facts to back it up just thought I would help.
So how many CFLs did you end up having in there?


Active Member
I have gone through many journals of indicas but not many sativas, especially indoors. Any of you guys have experience with sativas?


Well-Known Member
I'm growing one right now with cfls. and it's flowering. and it did take the longest out of all my plants to show. and it's 2-3 times as tall as all the other plants at 7ft


Well-Known Member
Im growing a Sativa & an Indiaca & the Sativa looks like its 4 weeks behind the indiaca. They were both germinated & planted the same day. Indoor grow under 8 t-12 shop lights (Plant Growning Temp) & 2 150 watt HPS.

I figure the Indiaca will be ready to harvest in 3-4 weeks. The Sativa prob 10-14 weeks to go. This is my first though.


Well-Known Member
my sativa took about 2 weeks longer to show sex than the indicas and hybrids.

and it was a male and i also used 11 hours of light, not 12.


Well-Known Member
you need to get better bulbs i dont think thoose cfls work well you need to swith to high pressure sodium,..or metal halide...keep the 12/12 with no light on the off cycles and i bet theyll start showing thier sexxx immediately!!!


Well-Known Member
i have 2 plant 1 indica and the other Sativa its is day 9 flowering(12/12) and my Indica showed sex on day 7 F'ing Male.... my Sativa is just growing like crazy not showing sex yet... i have only a 3feet growing space and LST it so i hope it does not grow super tall then show sex lol.... i hope i see a female in couple days .