Sativa strains that are GREAT in high humidity!?!?


Active Member
I am having serious issues this year with bud rot and mold in some of my mostly indica strains. Sativa dominant strains are doing great! I grow outdoors in a swamp with increcibly high humidity. Next year I will be prepared. So if I could get some advice on mold resistant high humdity strains I would be very greatful. Looking for at least 10 different strains. Thanks


Active Member
Currently have a Sweet Black Angel (silver haze x black domina). It is definitely a more sativa dominant plant almost 8ft and doing great! Shark Attack (white widow x super skunk) smells great, 2.5 ft tall and just getting destroyed by mold and bud rot. Only a few of the smaller lower branches remain. Last but definitely not least a Pineapple Express clone which was put outside about 3 weeks ago straight into flower and is roughly 1ft looking super healthy!


Well-Known Member
TGA Chernobyl, I recently shared cuts and the grower said he was rocking 60+ for more than 1/2 a grow.
Plus I personaly dont watch it (heat, humidity) anymore as she yields the same in higher or lower RH and temps.
Hell she is even very moult resistent

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
"Chernobyl"by tga subcool seeds , grew that girl in a SWAMP, regular humidity was probably around 70%+ day and night, some days were much worse and i didn't lose weight to mold at all, i got some PM on my leaves thats about it. the "Dairy Queen" that was with it last summer didn't lose bud to mold either and that girl FELL into the swamp, like the pot fell over and some nugs were drenched for a day or so before i fixed it. i like to think i got lucky, but my new chernobyls(i got 7 fems) are looking very similar to the ones last year, i got one girl that smells like coca-cola lol! real peculiar scents associated with tga gear- chernobyl especially.


Active Member
Ok so we have 1! 9 more to go! Haha anyone else have good results with sativa dominant plants?


Well-Known Member
I am having serious issues this year with bud rot and mold in some of my mostly indica strains. Sativa dominant strains are doing great! I grow outdoors in a swamp with increcibly high humidity. Next year I will be prepared. So if I could get some advice on mold resistant high humdity strains I would be very greatful. Looking for at least 10 different strains. Thanks
Durban Poison
Heirloom Sativa Strains i.e. lambsbread, colombian gold, thai, cambodian
Sativa dominant strains like ones more than 60%/40% i.e. sour diesel which is 90%/10%


Actually 15 years of Age
Early queen...early skunk...early haze...spice...earlyskunkhaze...ASH...devil all from mr nice seeds all mold resistance and great in high humidity. Any hybrid cross with early pearl will do because early pearl was breed for those conditions. I grow in the same conditions and all the one's i've listed never let me down.