Well-Known Member
Shut up and smoke your homegrown like good little guys!
Hey Hazey, if you want to shut anyone up, simply post pics of your plants in full flower. Please include your "signature columbian gold backdrop" so we know it's yours. Anyone can show seeds, seedlings, and early veg plants. Why don't you show us some nice bud shots. I'll even go first.
he can't show us pics of his grows cause we will all give him shit I still got some of his pics saved to my cpu cause it was the funniest shit he posted the pics to prove he's actually grown the strains he claims but as you can see he got hell for them pics too. he dosen't let them flower all the way cause once they start to stink he harvests them. also the guy clearly lives in goverment housing and collects a social security check probally for being such a nut job I know he does cause I know someone who lives in one of them places and he described his housing to a T of a goverment housing complex. are you mad yet hazey?
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"Im hazey I aint a true smoker just xmas and birthdays, Im happy with the stuff most use for butter or chuck away, my knowlege of cannabis is not alot and what i dont know i either copy or make up, like a STL smoke report, If someone tells me my plants are not how they should be I call them trolls and put them on mute and their just jellous I got real sativa and they only have dealer garbage cash cropping buds, you can see why they envy..... Problem is though it gets lonly when its only me here and everyone is on mute, So please noobs do follow me and call me hazey the great sativa lover as only I can master a 5 week from seed to "Bud trim" sativa with mega grammage . Their you have it, all Ive missed out is the prescribed drugs I get from my GP as their is not enough space to list all the anti pyco pills"
there, one less troll to get annoyed by.
there, one less troll to get annoyed by.
Pretty soon every post will be hidden from hazey as he pushes the ignore button for every user (um, I mean troll) here.