Satori Comparison Grow - Organic vs. Soilless/Synthetic


Looks like your getting a handle on it. I used to love those little rockwool starters until I started using straight promix. A little diluted phospherous helps encourage rooting too. It looked like you didn't condition your rockwool with ph 5.5 water either, which is more important with the larger blocks, I've had major ph issues in the past not conditioning rockwool properly.


Well-Known Member
Day 26 Update:

The 2 organic plants (on the right in the picture below) continue to grow more vigorously than the ProMixHP-AN plant.

As for the ProMixHP-AN plant, I increased the nutrient solution to three-quarters strength today. Next feeding it will get full strength. I've purposely started low and increased slow with this plant on the advice of AN. We'll see if it catches up.



Well-Known Member
looking good im going to get that ancient forest just havent seen anyone use till i ran into this thread can I get your opinions on it and im using promix on my white rose plants one thing about that pro mix you are using plants do start out slow. I had some white rose seed a buddy of mine tried to veg got em as seedlings he overwatered em, they were rusting and found root was trying to rot, broke rotted part of root of replanted in same soil that had worm castings and seaweed meal after a month they took off in full sun had to let dry out for month now they are monsters. Be mindful with that pro mix really easy to overwater really airy, and hold water well.


Well-Known Member
looking good im going to get that ancient forest just havent seen anyone use till i ran into this thread can I get your opinions on it and im using promix on my white rose plants one thing about that pro mix you are using plants do start out slow. I had some white rose seed a buddy of mine tried to veg got em as seedlings he overwatered em, they were rusting and found root was trying to rot, broke rotted part of root of replanted in same soil that had worm castings and seaweed meal after a month they took off in full sun had to let dry out for month now they are monsters. Be mindful with that pro mix really easy to overwater really airy, and hold water well.
I really like the Ancient Forest Alaska Humus.

I'm using ProMix HP (the HP stands for "High Porosity"), which means it has a bit more perlite than than the ProMix BX.

But maybe I need to add a bit of extra perlite to the HP when I transplant.


Well-Known Member
Day 27 Update:

The ProMixHP-AN plant (in the center below) has increased growth rate, and is somewhat catching up to the organic plants since I increased its nutrient solution to 100% strength. And tonight, my Voodoo Juice and B-52 arrived, and I added the recommended amount of each to tonight's feeding.

I'll post another pic in a couple days.

And I forgot to mention that I'll be transitioning to LED for vegging when my new LED light arrives on Friday.

I got so tired of T5 bulbs burning out. And of having to keep the light so close to the plants. We'll see how my new LED does.

Current nutrient solution mix
4 milliliters per liter Connoisseur Grow A
4 milliliters per liter Connoisseur Grow B
2 milliliters per liter Voodoo Juice
2 milliliters per liter B-52

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Well-Known Member
Day 27 Update:

Well, my new LED has arrived, and I installed it tonight. It's a California Light Works SolarFlare 220-watt VegMaster.

The plants have been transplanted into bigger containers. The organic plants are still in 100% Roots Organic soil.

Below is a pic of the plants taken tonight. The ProMixHP-AN plant is front center. It has caught up with the other plants in height, and has surpassed them in bushiness and vigor.




Well-Known Member
Well, the plants are doing great under my new LED. And at the recommended height of 24 inches above the plants, it's running 5 degrees cooler (at canopy level) than a 2-foot 8-bulb T5 was running at 3 inches above the plants.

Tonight, it looks as though the 3 plants are pretty much equal.

This is a fun grow. I'm anxious to see where it will go.


Well-Known Member
This is my first time using rockwool to clone. I had 6 of 9 clones take root within 2 weeks. Not as successful as I had hoped, even though I had planned to keep only 3 of them to grow out anyway. I may have over-watered since it was hard for me to know when the rockwool needed more water.

I've used only Rapid Rooters for cloning in the past, with 80-85% success rate. I like Rapid Rooters better. Except they don't stand up on their own like rockwool cubes do.
I love cloning in rockwool, but you must squeeze most of the water out unlike rapid rooters.. Rockwool holds a ton of water, which is great, but bad if you don't know to use it correctly


Well-Known Member
I love cloning in rockwool, but you must squeeze most of the water out unlike rapid rooters.. Rockwool holds a ton of water, which is great, but bad if you don't know to use it correctly
I've seen the same during my first time using rockwool.

I'm on the fence as to whether return to Rapid Rooters, or trying rockwool again.

Have you tried Rapid Rooters for cloning, and if so, what was your experience like?


Well-Known Member
I've seen the same during my first time using rockwool.

I'm on the fence as to whether return to Rapid Rooters, or trying rockwool again.

Have you tried Rapid Rooters for cloning, and if so, what was your experience like?
I use rock wool, rapid rooters and cloning machines. I really dislike the machines. They are good for taking a shit load, but I still perfer tray and a dome method. I did a test once on clones using honey in rock wool and then a tray with rapid rooters with clonex. Rock wool and honey won, lol.


Well-Known Member
How they coming along
Below are pics taken tonight. I watered/fed them last night, and wanted to give them 24 hours to grow before I took pics.

I placed each plant with its "best side" forward. The AN plant is in the center. And as you can see, it's starting to pull away from the organic plants in terms of leaf size and bushiness. Yet about 12 days ago, it lagged significantly behind the organic plants while I was slowly ramping up its nute strength.

Don't get me wrong. The organic plants are fine plants. They're doing great. But the AN plant has taken the lead.




Well-Known Member
Day 42 Update

Below is a pic taken last night.

The AN plant is on the left. It has bigger leaves and bushier growth than the organic plants. But the organic plants are doing very well.

After taking the pic, I transplanted each of them into 5-gallon, tan-colored Smart Pots. And each plant had a very thick and healthy root structure.

Of course, I transplanted the ProMixHP-AN plant into ProMix HP soilless mix. And fed with ASN nutes.

I transplanted the organic plants into a mixture of 35% Roots Organic and 65% Super Soil (mixed by me according to the recipe given in a previous post).

They have a bit of droop after transplant. I'll post a pic when they perk up.

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Well-Known Member
Day 46 Update

Below are pics taken tonight. In the first pic, the AN plant is on the bottom. In the second pic, it's on the left. And it's still significantly bigger and bushier than the organic plants. Although the organic plants are doing fine in their own right.

I hope AN blows organics away. Not because I dislike organics; I've grown organically with good success for many years. But I'm tired of mixing my own soil, carrying heavy bags and pots, and dealing with the resultant back and neck pain.

But if AN doesn't distinguish itself in this grow, then I'll stick with organic growing, because I'll never go back to ph'ing anything. I'll absolutely never own a ph meter again.

