Saudis vs Iran...who's going to win?

This Iran versus Saudi Arabia conflict is really getting nasty. Thanks to Obama who has made a huge mess out of all this, the next president will spend his entire tenure fixing what Obama has fucked up due to his indifference.

I really feel for those starving Syrians. All the supply routes for food and medical care have been cut off. We need to take out Assad, open up the supply routes, get the world relief thing going and try to establish normalcy. First we have to get rid of Obama.

That is the american president cycle i mean obama came into bushs fucks ups now obama is blamed when he i think actually didnt jump into the subject if i am correct obama wanted to bring the military home i think he did ????
but of course soon as one president its out he is blamed for a week afterwords then forgotten, ad blame passed on to next president same shit with obama one week after he is gone he is forgotton ,, next president is to blame
That is the american president cycle i mean obama came into bushs fucks ups now obama is blamed when he i think actually didnt jump into the subject if i am correct obama wanted to bring the military home i think he did ????
but of course soon as one president its out he is blamed for a week afterwords then forgotten, ad blame passed on to next president same shit with obama one week after he is gone he is forgotton ,, next president is to blame

Well, Obama's whole first campaign was about fixing all of Bush's supposed fuckups. That didnt happen and now suddenly it is Bush's fault again? I thought that went out of style by year 5 of the Obama administration.
Well, Obama's whole first campaign was about fixing all of Bush's supposed fuckups. That didnt happen and now suddenly it is Bush's fault again? I thought that went out of style by year 5 of the Obama administration.
Yeah nice try, I see conservatives dig as far back as Carter and FDR on a constant basis to complain about them. The value of the criticism doesn't deteriorate with age if it's legitimate.

I like how Iran has backed insurgency at Yemen. That`s gonna put the USA in motion as well as Russia. Just the thought of Iran doing that daily leads me to exactly why I don`t trust Iran as far as I can throw it. Of all the Middle East, just that small choke point.
I like how Iran has backed insurgency at Yemen. That`s gonna put the USA in motion as well as Russia. Just the thought of Iran doing that daily leads me to exactly why I don`t trust Iran as far as I can throw it. Of all the Middle East, just that small choke point.
Saudi Arabia funds terrorism all around the world, including 9/11, the biggest terrorist attack in American history. Why nothing to say about that?
Yeah nice try, I see conservatives dig as far back as Carter and FDR on a constant basis to complain about them. The value of the criticism doesn't deteriorate with age if it's legitimate.

I was pointing out that the CURRENT president has fallen far short on yet another of his campaign promises. He did promise to singlehandedly fix the economy, create world peace and have 0% unemployment with free healthcare for everyone right?
I was pointing out that the CURRENT president has fallen far short on yet another of his campaign promises. He did promise to singlehandedly fix the economy, create world peace and have 0% unemployment with free healthcare for everyone right?

Seriously, what drugs are you smoking? I want some lol.
I was pointing out that the CURRENT president has fallen far short on yet another of his campaign promises. He did promise to singlehandedly fix the economy, create world peace and have 0% unemployment with free healthcare for everyone right?
His farts also don't cure cancer and he missed out on some excellent weed cos he wouldn't help me trim yesterday, I'd harvested some early to smoke while I was shelf albeit not cured.

Thanks Obama.
Is anyone else paying attention to the clusterfuck developing over there?
The shit-storm is starting to wind up, and it could get very ugly soon.
Mosques are getting destroyed, ambassadors are being recalled, and the rhetoric is getting hot.

I'm left wondering how much of this is a Psy-Op to suck Iran into a new war, so as to create more chaos in that area. It wouldn't surprise me because of what has been happening in Syria, much to the chagrin of the US MIC. At the same time, the oil marketeers are probably creaming their khakis over the potential volatility.

Meanwhile, the Canadian gov't seems to have no qualms with going through on a $15Bn arms deal with the Saudis, which disgusts me, actually. Oh but it means 3000 jobs for 14 years (supposedly). So, I guess that's all that matters, right?

What's that Mr. Saudi King? You have the social philosophy of a neanderthal (wags finger).
Thank you for the cash, please come again!
In a nutshell, the oil companies will win. Oh ya, a bunch of lawyers and politicians too. But what the hell, they almost always win.
His farts also don't cure cancer and he missed out on some excellent weed cos he wouldn't help me trim yesterday, I'd harvested some early to smoke while I was shelf albeit not cured.

Thanks Obama.

And weed is still illegal even though he could have the schedule changed tomorrow.

I go buy my weed at the store now. Easier than growing it. Obama doesnt get credit for that either however!!
So does America, we should attack ourselves first.

We did!

It's a laugh that the fed doesn't call it like it is. While it was so new the word terrorist wasn't known to apply it.....The first home grown terror began in the clock tower in Texas in the 60's. That was a terrorist act. Is it so soon we forget Mcvey and Oklahoma city.....Riddle me this, Just why exactly did the US government have him put to death so fast? What did he know that they (Federals) didn't want us to?
Why didn't the FBI when told in detail by a lawyer sent by a MILITARY intelligence unit operating within the borders of the US (Illegal by the constitution) of the exact plot for 9/11, where they were and who they were and what they were doing as early as when they were IN the flight school - actually DO anything about it?.......(Reported nationally by NPR)
Acts out of principal or legality are ways a crazy will act however. But with radical Islam, We just wont do because of religions beliefs. To be on the other end of Radical Islam is to be threaten by existing and no hope of as peace process because they don`t want that. Your presence alone is enough for them to act against you, so no principal or legality, or theft or the likes involved.

Best we can do is act, (attack being my choice) so that you always have the upper hand and edge over your enemy.

It`s too late for the adults or juveniles over their to ever be trusted. Maybe the kids will grow up to oppose and form a future medium where both can exist without Radicalization or our attacks.

If it comes to us or them, I will be with us.

Obama refuses to acknowledge Radical Islam because he would have to state what I just did and this is an election year.
We did!

It's a laugh that the fed doesn't call it like it is. While it was so new the word terrorist wasn't known to apply it.....The first home grown terror began in the clock tower in Texas in the 60's. That was a terrorist act. Is it so soon we forget Mcvey and Oklahoma city.....Riddle me this, Just why exactly did the US government have him put to death so fast? What did he know that they (Federals) didn't want us to?
Why didn't the FBI when told in detail by a lawyer sent by a MILITARY intelligence unit operating within the borders of the US (Illegal by the constitution) of the exact plot for 9/11, where they were and who they were and what they were doing as early as when they were IN the flight school - actually DO anything about it?.......(Reported nationally by NPR)

As far as the other stuff, I don`t think it involved Religion and the rights and wrongs are not for me to figure out. But listen to when exposed. and, of course form an opinion but those are individual.