Save your seeds!!!!


New Member
yea but all that will happen is the government will spend even more billions of taxpayers money to go rip up ditch weed constantly

and then they will go on the media telling america that they "protected" the country from over a billion dollars in marijuana hitting the schools


New Member
yea, not the greatest time to start this thread.. lets aim for bringing this thread around next spring.... or i guess its spring is australia right? and brazil? south of the eq. anyway


Well-Known Member
This could work, but sadly it most likely wont happen. That is because it is easier to smoke another joint and think about doing something. Yes the government would try to erdadcate all the wild weed, but if you just kept planting more we could Overgrow Big Bro. There are more of us than there are of them. They could not wipe it all out.


Well-Known Member
There may be more of us than there are of them, however they have a significant larger amount of tools and resources at their disposal than we do. Likewise their 'forces' are significantly more reliable than we are (myself included). After all, we are a bunch of horticulturalists, that for some odd reason get frequent bursts of uncontrolable 'munchies', couch lock, and an odd sense of paranoia that seems to stay with us during certain periods of our life.

Big brother has several 'cousins' working 40+ hours a week a peice, 24/7/365. Most of us are not willing to spend that amoung of time trying to overgrow big bro.

That being said, it's a worthwhile idea, but being that it takes several months for a plant to go from a seed to a plant in order to create new seeds, when it only takes an officer two seconds to pull it out of the ground. The odds are against us.

Even still, I'd be willing to give it a shot :)


Well-Known Member
i have found three patches of wild marijuana growing on my road in the past week. look around when you drive places its everywhere.....ohh and throw seeds out your window so it will grow everywhere ..peace


Well-Known Member
lets all put it in our sig im up for it if oyu all do link to this post 4-20-10 the day we seed america and the world


Well-Known Member
ive always wanted to go up in a hot air baloon and drop 5000 seeds at once :)
only 5,000?? we should get 50 lb bags of seeds and just drive down country roads throwing hand fulls out of the window and go to places along rivers and creeks throwing handfuls there ... it would be amazing!


Well-Known Member
ummm, didnt Mr. Emory start this?
He sure did. Thats where I got the name from. And if people had started doing it in mass numbers, there would be wild weed everywhere already.

There may be more of us than there are of them, however they have a significant larger amount of tools and resources at their disposal than we do. Likewise their 'forces' are significantly more reliable than we are (myself included). After all, we are a bunch of horticulturalists, that for some odd reason get frequent bursts of uncontrolable 'munchies', couch lock, and an odd sense of paranoia that seems to stay with us during certain periods of our life.

Big brother has several 'cousins' working 40+ hours a week a peice, 24/7/365. Most of us are not willing to spend that amoung of time trying to overgrow big bro.

That being said, it's a worthwhile idea, but being that it takes several months for a plant to go from a seed to a plant in order to create new seeds, when it only takes an officer two seconds to pull it out of the ground. The odds are against us.

Even still, I'd be willing to give it a shot :)

The great thing is, we dont have to put in that kind of time and effort. All it takes is a couple of hours in the spring to plant some seeds. The rest of the time all you have to do is throw seeds out of the car window. You have to get rid of them somewhere, so just take some with you when you go out and throw them somewhere. If they grow its great! If they dont what have you lost? Let the Feds spend all the time andmoney trying to stop it. Eventually the burden will become too much for the return and they will give up. Just like they have done with alcohol prohibition, stupid wars and numerous other bullshit they have tried to shove down the throats of the taxpayers.

Grow it and roll it!

Well-Known Member
I like this idea also, but it would take years and years before the government would give up IMO. Not to mention an absolutely INSANE amount of wild weed. But who knows.


Well-Known Member
Of course this couldnt happen overnight, but if people get started maybe the Feds would have to start diverting resourses from other areas to track and kill wild weed. Congress would have to allocate more funds and that would only go so far before the well ran dry. At least we would be throwing a monkey wrench into the works. Isn't that how a guerilla war is fought? Mainly by harassment and and making the enemy divide their forces to try and fight many small battles that drain and demoralize them?
And lets face it, we are in a war that was declared by the Federal government. Will you be part of the resistance or a victim?


Well-Known Member
And if only 1% of those plants seeded(7,042) and spread 10 seeds that grew it would mean the next generation would be 70,422 plants. And if only 1% of those plants seeded(704,220) and spread 10 seeds each it would mean the next generation would be 7,042,200 plants. And if only 1% of those plants seeded..........................................

This is with only a 1% success rate. So dont think that planting only 10 seeds wont make a differece. The thing is, do you want to just sit around and TALK about making something happen, or do you have what it takes to DO something about it? :peace:
I'm game for this plan.


Well-Known Member
only 5,000?? we should get 50 lb bags of seeds and just drive down country roads throwing hand fulls out of the window and go to places along rivers and creeks throwing handfuls there ... it would be amazing!
what a great idea they could never stop that should make a 420 plant seed date.

Grow it and roll it!

Well-Known Member
You know, thats an excellent point. The more wild mj there is, the more the feds are going to have to work. And since they have to work more, maybe we can fix our economy a little bit as a side improvement. I can see it now, "USA Saved By Dope". If I get my hands on some seed, I will contribute to this no problem. It would be great if we could somehow make it difficult to cut down these plants too, to make their work harder!



Well-Known Member
Can you imagine tossing a 50 pound bag of seeds somewhere? There would be so many plants everywhere, before they found it all, like, a year would go by. WOWZERSSS!!!