Saving Coffee filter?


Active Member
I see that some people save their coffee filters and always wondered how to get the little bit of oil off them.. some of u may say why bother but seeing as i have no weed left and my town is dry you gotta do what you gotta do... so i was thinking a jar with some iso and submerge all the filters, but thatd be a lot of iso and take forever to evaporate off, any suggestions??:confused::confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
We save the filters, soak them in ethanol in big batches, and make topical from the recovered oil. As an alternative, you can wash them insitu by pouring fresh alcohol through them, but it adds to the amount of alcohol to recover each time.


Well-Known Member
i take the previous one and just stick it in the tube at the top so stuff doesnt blow out


Active Member
If you were to try and recover whats on the filter you'll get everything else on the filter all the dirt,dust and bug shit that the filter catches


Active Member
i take the previous one and just stick it in the tube at the top so stuff doesnt blow out
the thing i always worried about is what if the filter gets clogged from the the oil/dust particles from the last blast and not getting as much as you would if you used a clean one.

but yea i did recover the oil on like 30 or so filters and got a shit load of oil but its kinda dirty as shawns suggested


Well-Known Member
If your talking strictly ISO when the filter drys you can scrape off the yellowish powder and smoke it like Kief.

Like stated above you will also smoke filter fuzz. If you first filter the large junk with a mesh screen then filter the ISO with coffee filter you will have a cleaner filter cleanup to smoke.

I never re-soaked them but it makes sense too.


Well-Known Member
It is the same material that was previously filtered and is easy to filter again, so that only pristine oil is yielded. We just recover the resin that was left behind in the filter and cake.