Saw this one coming


Well-Known Member
Michele Bachmann has dropped out of the race.


Well-Known Member
Thank G-D for it. She was a train wreck, I'm sure you and I are a bit biased having seen her insanity first hand, but the rest of the country dogged a bullet with this one.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Actually we dodged a hail of bullets:

Sarah Palin
Herman Cain
David Duke
Newt (I'm going to eat your children) Gingrich
Rick Perry
Ron Paul
Rick Santorum
Mitt Romney
The Donald
Tim Pawlenty


Well-Known Member
I think in her speech after Iowa last night she said something about having twenty kids,?
Is that true? Does she have twenty kids?


Well-Known Member
More than 20, most being adopted or foster kids.
What the fuck?
Shouldn't she have been taking care of them instead of running for president?
And how do you adopt 20 kids? That sounds like running an orphanage not having kids.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
What the fuck?
Shouldn't she have been taking care of them instead of running for president?
And how do you adopt 20 kids? That sounds like running an orphanage not having kids.
You know how guys with small dicks overcompensate by becoming douchebag cops? Well this is how she's overcompensating for marrying a gay guy.


Well-Known Member
She doesn't look like a mother at all. Hell, she doesn't even look real. I kind of thought that she might have been a top secret android.
What the fuck?
Shouldn't she have been taking care of them instead of running for president?
And how do you adopt 20 kids? That sounds like running an orphanage not having kids.
That is probably not far from the truth she is a scary bitch.


Well-Known Member
Bachmann helped raise 23 foster children, but not all at once since the state will only let you have a maximum of 3 at any one time. She did this over a 8 year period.

The State paid Bachmann to care for each one.