Say hello to my little friends


As promised. Here are the pics as we had discussed earlier. This is 7 wks veg under 2-45 watt, 2-40 watt CFL's, 2-40 watt 4' florescent full spectrums. I have just switched to 12/12 and added 4 more 27 watt CFL's. 7 wks of 16/8 with the last three weeks at 18/6 to fit our lifestyle. About me: I broke my back in 91 and have some residual damage that can never be corrected. I have lost faith in medicine and am trying my own medicine. I am new to this and could use all the help I get. Thanks, there is some amazing people and info on this website.



Well-Known Member
As promised. Here are the pics as we had discussed earlier. This is 7 wks veg under 2-45 watt, 2-40 watt CFL's, 2-40 watt 4' florescent full spectrums. I have just switched to 12/12 and added 4 more 27 watt CFL's. 7 wks of 16/8 with the last three weeks at 18/6 to fit our lifestyle. About me: I broke my back in 91 and have some residual damage that can never be corrected. I have lost faith in medicine and am trying my own medicine. I am new to this and could use all the help I get. Thanks, there is some amazing people and info on this website.
looks pretty good tho it does look a bit overwatered


I'm believing the over watering theory. The one plant has leaves curled down. Are they females? Can you tell from these pics?


Well-Known Member
You should see signs of sex within 7 days, sometimes more sometimes less, too many variables to be precise. Hairs for a girl, balls for a boy.
Look at the pics below for sex signs and where to cut to top your plants.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
that is definetly overwatering.
seems you haven't put enough perlite in your mix.

put your pots on their side after watering to allow excess water to flow out.
only water when your pots become light when you pull them up. if you can't sense it, push your finger 2 inches inside - if its totally dry - water.
when your plants will NEED watering they will raise their leaves like praying for water - thats your sign.
A healthy plant in edequate container and optimal temps (25°C or so) should need watering every 5-8 days. From my experience anyhow.