SayWords 1st grow, seven plants


Well-Known Member
i got them oct 4, they were about a week old at the time.

the four larger ones are 46 days flowering.

the three younger ones i thought were only about a week behind, but it seems like more


Well-Known Member
oh shit! not another update!!

theres some pics of the individual plants flowering. the mother plant is getting almost too big. im thinkin about LSTing it so i can get a bunch o tops while im takin clones off it. then eventually i can flower it and get a nice harvest.

the pic of the clone with no roots- none of them have roots yet, day 11.

the flowering plants are takin forever. yesterday was week 7. how much longer u guys thinkin? like 3 weeks?


Well-Known Member
it depends on what kind of high u want....i think partially cloudy trics give u the up type high and cloudy trics are more the couch lock high...your plants will tell u when they are ready...just b sure to leeave a week or so for flushing...make sure u use 1/4 to 1/2 strenghrt dose on the Gravity...u'll burn the shit outta them if u use what the bottle recommends...and let the soil be nice and dry b4 you give it to them


Well-Known Member
ok, i was thinkin id start the flush now. just feed molasses and gravity. what u think?

i fed the gravity last watering full strength. they dont seem to be in bad shape. im gonna give them more today or tomorrow, probably like 3/4 strength


Well-Known Member
ok, i was thinkin id start the flush now. just feed molasses and gravity. what u think?

i fed the gravity last watering full strength. they dont seem to be in bad shape. im gonna give them more today or tomorrow, probably like 3/4 strength
i just started using the G i dont know how late into flower u should use it...i was told though, that u want to flush them a good week to week and a half...the molasses can still be used i think..


Well-Known Member
well i watered today with just gravity and molasses and will be doing just this for the rest. even if i dont harvest for 3 weeks, a 3 week flush is fine isnt it?


Well-Known Member
fuck man. this is week 7. longer than 10 weeks flowering? does that mean these probly have a lot of sativa in them?

should i still feed them nutes? or flush?


Well-Known Member
What do the triachs look like?

Have you started flushing yet?

If MY plants looked like yours do, I would wait. But let the triachs be your guide!


Well-Known Member
ive kinda started flushing. the last two waterings ive just used gravity and molasses. but the plants are turning strange colors. a lot of yellowing, which i think is normal but still, i cant help but feel like they may be hungry for more nutes. theres some leaves on one or two plants that are turning maroon/purple which is cool looking. hopefully it spreads to the buds...

i havent checked the trichs yet. i have a scope from radioshack and have used it to look at weed i bought but havent used it on my plants. how should i do it? cut a piece of leaf and put it under it or what?

if anyone has any advice for me give me it! its my first gro man!


Well-Known Member
ive kinda started flushing. the last two waterings ive just used gravity and molasses. but the plants are turning strange colors. a lot of yellowing, which i think is normal but still, i cant help but feel like they may be hungry for more nutes. theres some leaves on one or two plants that are turning maroon/purple which is cool looking. hopefully it spreads to the buds...

i havent checked the trichs yet. i have a scope from radioshack and have used it to look at weed i bought but havent used it on my plants. how should i do it? cut a piece of leaf and put it under it or what?

if anyone has any advice for me give me it! its my first gro man!
the plants will change colors....dont give them any G when your flushing...just sstick with the will give them a sweeter taste and smell...flushing them u want to use more than twice the amount of water...if u are growing in 2 gal buckets u flush with at least 4 gal...u wanna get the nutes outta the soil...if not, taste and burn is affevted....itll make it crackle and can look at the trics on the leaves or hairs...decide if you want the up high wich they are partially cloudy or the couch lock high cloudy......the last two days they get complete dark...

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Would be best to look at the buds when they are still on the plants. Checking to see if the trichomes are getting cloudy and amber colored. I use this microscope for looking when they are still on the plants. Much easier than the type you have I think. It's also nice when searching for preflowers. Not that the one you have is not good, I have one like that also. But is harder to use when you are moving around. I use it when I have some off the plant that I want to look at. I like to look at it with the scope and then put it in the pipe and fire it up. Don't know if you have seen this one on what is should look like. It's a thread worth reading.


Well-Known Member
alright, so i feed them nutes and g and stuff for like 2 more waterings, then i'll flush. that way i can use the g for 4 consecutive waterings. then i'll start the flush. they're in like 4 gallon buckets. i really need to use eight gallons of water per bucket? how often do i do this?

i wish i had a place where i could buy a lil scope like that in person. hate buyin stuff online and cant use ebay. i'll check out the trichs today. thanks for the chart hashlover. helps a lot


Well-Known Member
also an update: my clones suck cock. its now been two weeks in rockwool, on a heatmat with a towle in between the heatmat and the tray in a humi dome. no roots at all. i took apart one of the cubes and there were root bumps on the stem and it was really swollen but no actual roots. i seriously dont know what the problem is.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Your clones are not getting enough oxygen around the stem in the cubes. IMO cubes, plugs, soil all suck compared to aero cloning. I have not used it much but have been having 100% success rate with the one I made for about $20. When I started and tried jiffy plugs and soil I didn't have much luck, some but not much. And I have not used any extra heat. But I do try to keep them warm. You keep the water line lower than the bottoms of your cuttings so they are suspending in the air not in the water. And the bubbles coming to the surface pop and spray them with fine droplets of water. You don't need an air stone like the one I have, Just a good size one. I use a 30-60 gal. air pump with double outlet I got at Walmart. But they didn't have any stones that I liked so I went to big pet store for a better selection. I'll post some pics but let me know if you have any questions. Last batch rooted and were ready to plant in about 16 days. Started showing roots at 7 days and at day 10 all 6 were showing roots. IMO it's the only way to go. All you have to do is lift the net pot out to see how they are doing and then just put it back. No guessing about if they are starting or not. Pic #21 is 12 days from taking the cuttings. Pic #20 is after they started to root enough to take the top off. I might work faster if I had a heater in it but this is good enough for me. I just keep the whole thing at about 80 degrees.



Well-Known Member
wow thanks for the info man. i have no idea what parts to get to make that. the air pump, the stones, etc. u can get everything but the stones at walmart?


Well-Known Member
and i snapped a couple pics when the light turned on this morning so i could show u guys the colors these batches are turning!
