Buy a scale now... wait to sell til then... If you are hard pressed for cash, sell a superfluous amount for 20 bucks, take that cash and your ass to a store for a scale.
you have to consider many things, i have had a 8th that looks like a quad and an eighth that looks like a half eighth. jus go buy a scale dude
lol what is there to consider? if you have dried herb and you have broke it down then you should be able to tell the difference. only thing to consider is if you are trying to weigh out ounces. im sure you can eye out a gram, if not then i have nothing to say lol. either way when in doubt, pick out a nug that YOUD buy for $20, sell it, buy a scale. if you end up selling 3 grams for a dub more power to you! you just got a regular customer. peace
sorry for caps, i just needed to ake that clear
I feel stupid for even reading this thread. Just buy a damn scale.
I sell only like 10 gr. once a month and would never risk having a scale in the house. Makes a huge difference if you get busted around here. Has nothing to do with the price of the scale but the price of being caught with the scale.this is just retarded, dude, order that 7 dollar digital scale with free shipping i posted earlier, if your selling bud, and cant afford to spend 10 bucks on scales..you need to stop selling right now.
the point is that a gram of dense bud and a gram of airy bud do NOT in any way take up the same amount of room. weed is sold by weight, not volume. you can have the most giant sack in the world but if it doesn't weigh what it's supposed to you got screwed, period. if you can't understand how 4 different strains could each look completely different when weighed out to an 8th then i don't know what else to say to you.