Scaling Without A Scale

Buy a scale now... wait to sell til then... If you are hard pressed for cash, sell a superfluous amount for 20 bucks, take that cash and your ass to a store for a scale.
yea dude, eye out a gram, hell hook it up fat even throw a fat nug to the first customer for whatever he wants and even though you might give him more than he asked, atleast youll have money to buy a scale and you know he will be hittin you up the next day lol.
you have to consider many things, i have had a 8th that looks like a quad and an eighth that looks like a half eighth. jus go buy a scale dude
you have to consider many things, i have had a 8th that looks like a quad and an eighth that looks like a half eighth. jus go buy a scale dude

lol what is there to consider? if you have dried herb and you have broke it down then you should be able to tell the difference. only thing to consider is if you are trying to weigh out ounces. im sure you can eye out a gram, if not then i have nothing to say lol. either way when in doubt, pick out a nug that YOUD buy for $20, sell it, buy a scale. if you end up selling 3 grams for a dub more power to you! you just got a regular customer. peace
lol what is there to consider? if you have dried herb and you have broke it down then you should be able to tell the difference. only thing to consider is if you are trying to weigh out ounces. im sure you can eye out a gram, if not then i have nothing to say lol. either way when in doubt, pick out a nug that YOUD buy for $20, sell it, buy a scale. if you end up selling 3 grams for a dub more power to you! you just got a regular customer. peace

the point is that a gram of dense bud and a gram of airy bud do NOT in any way take up the same amount of room. weed is sold by weight, not volume. you can have the most giant sack in the world but if it doesn't weigh what it's supposed to you got screwed, period. if you can't understand how 4 different strains could each look completely different when weighed out to an 8th then i don't know what else to say to you.
well, a grams "about that big" ..... lol use a length of metal coat hang with a loop bent in the middle hang it in a paper clip put a dollar in a zip on one end and the weed in the same kind zip on the other end voala!

otherwise....... "It's about that big man"......
Scaling without a scale????? When you've worked it out will you let me know how to go for a drive without a car!? :lol::lol::lol:
this is just retarded, dude, order that 7 dollar digital scale with free shipping i posted earlier, if your selling bud, and cant afford to spend 10 bucks on need to stop selling right now.
this is just retarded, dude, order that 7 dollar digital scale with free shipping i posted earlier, if your selling bud, and cant afford to spend 10 bucks on need to stop selling right now.
I sell only like 10 gr. once a month and would never risk having a scale in the house. Makes a huge difference if you get busted around here. Has nothing to do with the price of the scale but the price of being caught with the scale.
Scales can't be used as PROOF of intent to distribute. Bottom line is, weigh it out at the time you need to, but by all means WEIGH it. Around here, they may TRY and charge you with intent to distribute for having scales, but that charge will invariably dropped down without other evidence like large cash amounts and the killer piece of evidence, already bagged up.
Without other evidence, you had scales to be certain what you were buying for your own use.
the point is that a gram of dense bud and a gram of airy bud do NOT in any way take up the same amount of room. weed is sold by weight, not volume. you can have the most giant sack in the world but if it doesn't weigh what it's supposed to you got screwed, period. if you can't understand how 4 different strains could each look completely different when weighed out to an 8th then i don't know what else to say to you.

lol in no way am i saying bud is all the same density. its pretty easy to take out ONE small nug and sell it for $20. thats what im saying as what is there to consider on a gram sell. basically re-worded, take out a small nug, sell it for $20 and buy a scale end of fuss. peace
MAke yourself a prison scale. It's basically a 'W' on top of an upsidedown 'V'.
Ill try and get you a picture.
Just leave the scales in your kitchen along with all the other kitchen appliances. A scale isnt made for weighing just illegal substances...
It's very simple to make a basic scale as people here have described it. But why? Unless it's a science project it's a waste of time when you can buy it for $10.

If you cant wait for delivery, go down to Walmart , buy a fancy digital scale, weigh out your baggies and return it for a refund the next day. That's a shitty way to treat a business which is why I love to do it to Walmart and Home Depot :)

As gfreeman subtly hinted, volume measurements wont (fucking) work here. The density of the material is too variable. You also have a packing issue in that depending on the shape of the buds, more or less will fit into a given space.

You are either going to risk shorting people or you will have to give them oversized packets to make sure you don't. That's going to cost you a lot more than the scales.