Scarlette's First Grow


Well-Known Member
It's been 9 days since my 9 babies popped out of the soil. I am using a growing medium consisting of African Violet soil, 3 CFL bulbs that are putting out approx. 3100 lumens per square foot, and a grow box that has been put together like Frankenstein. Basically I took large pieces of cardboard, cut them into puzzle piece fitting shapes, took some mylar and made ever facet of the box reflective, even the "ceiling" of it.

Last night I went to wally world, picked up some new bulbs, a moisture meter, and a mini fan (on clearance for 3.00!).

I organize my whole space last night, and the plants REALLY like the oxygen flow. It's help tremendously.

The moisture meter has been between 50 and 60. While the temp has really remained constant between 80/95 degrees.

They get really dry......I have to water them everyday. I spritz them atleast 3 times daily with the lighting being so close to them. They really do get parched.

I think I may go back to wally world and buy some nice night crawlers....that should help.

until I get my cam there will be no pics. sorry, it shouldn't be that long.

happy growing ^_^


Well-Known Member
12 days I do believe.

As of last night 9/19/07, I installed the fluorescent tube light system. I have them under 3 fluoro's, with a larger fan angled not directly at them but diagonaly from them. The fan is a little strong, and I don't want to knock those babies over. I also put some good ol' wormies in with them.

I was suprised last night when I was installing those lights. I was laying on my back looking up toward the fixture trying to fanagle the light into the socket when all of a sudden I got the strong wiff of weed. Betty, the first sprout, is smelling so good. I couldn't believe it, they aren't even in the vegatative state, and yet all of the "A's" I planted smell SO good. It's like crack. I keep wanting to go in there and sniff them lol.

I'll explain what I meant about the "A's". I got my "A" seeds from partly from some bagseed of this weed I smoked that was fucking amazing. The other, the "B" cups, I have no idea what that is. I got it from a friend whose husband grows it. I hope its good.

This morning since "upgrading" a bit of everything, they are looking....taller. The leaves are looking happy? lol I don't know how else to describe it.

Well happy growing ^_^



Well-Known Member
12 days down 80+ days to go. :mrgreen: i really want to see the little ones. anything to feed my craving for pix. camera phone? friend's camera? anything? plz? pretty plz? PPIIIIXXXXX


Well-Known Member
I know I know, but I have no cammy....yet. I promise I will have pics....eventually. lol.

Anywho, worms are in theory a great idea. However, my experiment didn't last. They escaped from the soil, died, and the rest I bought in the plastic tub died too. Stank like you wouldn't believe. So no worms. I'm just going to grow them. lol and not use worms till perhaps I can get them a little more room.


New Member
Ewwwww!!!! You know my hubby just started fishing this season so him and the neighbour decided that I could raise worms for their fishing in my pot plants. I said 'like h*ll' :-|

That was exactly my first thought when you mentioned worms. And YES they do smell. :neutral:

I would love to see some pics of your grow Scarlettsky. Having no camera sucks I know. :cry:
I know I know, but I have no cammy....yet. I promise I will have pics....eventually. lol.

Anywho, worms are in theory a great idea. However, my experiment didn't last. They escaped from the soil, died, and the rest I bought in the plastic tub died too. Stank like you wouldn't believe. So no worms. I'm just going to grow them. lol and not use worms till perhaps I can get them a little more room.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, not having a cam sucks. I need a digi bad. But hopefully if all goes well I'll have one in a few weeks.



Well-Known Member
*le sigh* i guess i can survive with out pictures....for now, but i demand frequent updates and details. *shakes fist* :bigjoint:. i'll be watching you:shock:


Well-Known Member
Oct. 21, 14 days in.

I am beginning to see key differences in strains A and B. The A's are bright green and have a sweet smell to them. The B's are deep green and havn't any scent at all.

The humidity has dropped below 50, and I can't fix it. I put a bowl of water under my lights, and even after a night, nothing. I tried to mist everything and then put a heater in there, but no.

my tallest plant is maybe 2 inches. aren't they suppose to be taller? *sigh* I feel like I'm doing something wrong.


Well-Known Member
Oct. 21, 14 days in.

I am beginning to see key differences in strains A and B. The A's are bright green and have a sweet smell to them. The B's are deep green and havn't any scent at all.

The humidity has dropped below 50, and I can't fix it. I put a bowl of water under my lights, and even after a night, nothing. I tried to mist everything and then put a heater in there, but no.

my tallest plant is maybe 2 inches. aren't they suppose to be taller? *sigh* I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

low humidity isn't necessarily harmful to the plants, it's just that spider mites and other bugs like low humidity, whereas high humidity invites's really a balancing act. below 50 isn't really a problem. mine is currently at 42 so you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
So the babies are still looking kind of droopy. I either overwatered a little bit, or my theory is that perhaps I am having some sore of micro nutrient deficiency.

The soil I am using is African Violet, and while it has perfectly balanced pH and NPK, I have no idea how it is micro nutrient wise. I mean my plants aren't drooping badly, but they are a itsy bit wilty, and I know one is looking kind of curly.

My humidity has dropped again also, now its on like 30, closer to 25


Well-Known Member
scarlette they are babies, they dont need anything but time to mature.

im sure the soil will get you through the early stage. how many sets of leaves do they have ? can you support them with anything (paperclip) to help.

hold tight im loading pics of mine at 8 days above soil under 48" fluor's t8's.


o.k. , sorry took so long. damn cell phone pics !!!



Well-Known Member
scarlette they are babies, they dont need anything but time to mature.

im sure the soil will get you through the early stage. how many sets of leaves do they have ? can you support them with anything (paperclip) to help.

hold tight im loading pics of mine at 8 days above soil under 48" fluor's t8's.

some of the embryonic leaves are already starting to yellow and fall off. For the most part they have besides these leaves are a set of two other leaves, and most of them are sprouting all these itsy bitsy what are going to be leaves. all of them atleast have 4 with a max of 6.

I think when it is time to transplant them I will get some Fox Farm Ocean Forest potting mix. It looks lots better.

They dont really need to be supported by a paperclip, it's the leaves that look droopy. stemwise they are pretty straight.


Well-Known Member
i have used all the store bought soils that i thought were good......:roll:

i only use fox farm ocean forest now..:mrgreen:

pics are up, and you cheer up.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah that cheers me up alot! in the first pic do you see how your leaves are a little droopy? That's how mine look, i'm glad that it's normal lol.

I was reading up on the Ocean Forest mix and it looks pretty promising, i'll probably start using that eventually along with the Fox Farm Grow Big, that looks good too.


Well-Known Member
their soil is the best, many will agree. (ocean forest)

the nutes i use also (grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom), i think they call it the three pack.

glad i could help...:peace:


Well-Known Member
So, I took them a little further away from the light and they seem to be doing better. I think I did over water a tad and they should be drying out in a few days. They're fine.

I am so bored, just stuck here at school waiting for pre-cal. *le sigh* I have alot on my agenda today so it's going to be hella crazy.

Tomorrow I start my new job ^_^

I'm going to be a Librarian. ;-)