Scary Stories for the Halloween Month

This is some really interesting stuff. I'm most impressed that you saw an actual full-body apparition.

I really wish I could have my own "safe" paranormal experience.

It was awesome seeing what I saw and im glad I wasn't so terrified that my intersest in the paranormal wasn't scared out of me,like you said a "safe" if not terrifying experience:).
Last night I had a bit of a scare.
The property behind my house is a few acres of open rolling terrain. But then last night I popped out for a quick glance at some of the autumn sky's lovelies and ... saw two vague light shapes moving through the field. I got a bad feeling and dashed back into my house. Then I turned my binoculars onto the g- g- g- g-

goat. cn
Last night I had a bit of a scare.
The property behind my house is a few acres of open rolling terrain. But then last night I popped out for a quick glance at some of the autumn sky's lovelies and ... saw two vague light shapes moving through the field. I got a bad feeling and dashed back into my house. Then I turned my binoculars onto the g- g- g- g-

goat. cn

LOL I've done that a time or two.
I tried to spice it up with pics of the cemetery but couldn't get them to download:wall:Google it-Fiskville Cemetery in Austin,Tx-a couple pics come up, there's even mentions of the vandalisms,its one of the oldest cemeteries in Austin.
I got to add that after I read Carne's skinwalking spooker I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep when the T.V. turned off by itself(powersaver):).Still spooked me though, I got up for a midnight tootsie roll and dog wanted out so I opened the door and the freaking Halloween decorations fell off the door and scared my damn dog,made me jump,dropped my tootsie roll....hahahahaha.So I stayed up half the night watching cartoons:)
One of my friends had some kind of spirit in his old house. He would always tell me about weird shit that would happen. Clocks going crazy, dog moving it's head like it was following a fly, cell phones pulling up the menu on their own, the list goes on. I didn't believe any of it until I saw this thing for myself. One night we were hanging out at his house and I went to the bathroom. If you're standing at the bathroom door, you can see into his bedroom. I came out of the bathroom and saw him standing in his room, so I went to ask him why weed still has yet to enter our lungs. I get to the doorway and he's gone. I didn't even see him (or it) disappear. I went into the bedroom and looked around really, really hard. nobody there. I went out into the kitchen, then back to the bedroom, this time with my friend following me. He asked me what was wrong but I ignored him. By this time both of us are in the bedroom, and he asked me again. I said "what the fuck dude, you were in here." "What?" he says. So I told him what I saw. Freaked me right the fuck out and gave him bragging rights. Throughout the night on occasion he would say something like "NOW do you believe me?" Asshole.
LOL I've done that a time or two.
Me too, but when I did it, I was running across the yard, pumping and shooting the rifle on the run, chasing a raccoon that had chased off the cat and started eating from her bowl inside the cat house I had built for her.
When we got to the end of the yard, he hit the tree at full bore, and clambered up without missing a beat.
I ran back across the yard, reached in the door and grabbed the spotlight. When I shined it up into the tree to get another shot at him, I saw 8 pairs of green beady eyes peering down at me... Boy was I glad the tube was full.
I ended up getting 5 of them before the rest ran down the tree and off into the grass on the hill behind.
Another time, I heard some rustling in the waist high weeds up on the hill, and shined the spot up and around, coming to rest on a pair of greenish/white eyes peering back at me above the weeds.
I never had people up there, and there was no light being used as it finally ran off into the darkness, so I can only figure it was a deer.
I always had the neighbors giving me gifts, and complimenting my marksmanship, and saying that they didn't have to go out and buy more fish for the pond every week, another told me her cat could now sleep on the porch again, another said she was only buying cat and dog food about half as often............
I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your all your terrifying tales :D having never experienced anything of this nature before, i would love it if anyone else had such story. Do share ^.^
Me too, but when I did it, I was running across the yard, pumping and shooting the rifle on the run, chasing a raccoon that had chased off the cat and started eating from her bowl inside the cat house I had built for her.
When we got to the end of the yard, he hit the tree at full bore, and clambered up without missing a beat.
I ran back across the yard, reached in the door and grabbed the spotlight. When I shined it up into the tree to get another shot at him, I saw 8 pairs of green beady eyes peering down at me... Boy was I glad the tube was full.
I ended up getting 5 of them before the rest ran down the tree and off into the grass on the hill behind.
Another time, I heard some rustling in the waist high weeds up on the hill, and shined the spot up and around, coming to rest on a pair of greenish/white eyes peering back at me above the weeds.
I never had people up there, and there was no light being used as it finally ran off into the darkness, so I can only figure it was a deer.
I always had the neighbors giving me gifts, and complimenting my marksmanship, and saying that they didn't have to go out and buy more fish for the pond every week, another told me her cat could now sleep on the porch again, another said she was only buying cat and dog food about half as often............

Outside Nevada, i imagine the permits for that must have been tough. cn
I think I told of the time I got lost on a night with no moon. I must've been 30 miles outside of town on a dirt road in early winter. I made a wrong turn and I ended up on this 2-track sliding around in the tracks as I tried to not get stuck. Up ahead I see a driveway. I take aim for it so I can turn around since the road was just getting worse.

I make the driveway and I see two columns on either side of the car. I feel the car settling and it didn't feel very good at all so I give it a little extra gas and it scooted a few more feet onto drier ground. I'm still thinking I'm in a private entrance. I see an indent in the dirt driveway I pull into and that is when my headlights sweep across the headstones. I anchored hard and my headlights rested on a headstone about a century old and it had my name on it.

My blood pressure shot up. All I could hear was my heart beating in my ears. I jammed the car in reverse just about backed up off the pathway. I probably could of handled it a bit better if I hadn't just burned one. This really freaked my ass out.
I think I told of the time I got lost on a night with no moon. I must've been 30 miles outside of town on a dirt road in early winter. I made a wrong turn and I ended up on this 2-track sliding around in the tracks as I tried to not get stuck. Up ahead I see a driveway. I take aim for it so I can turn around since the road was just getting worse.

I make the driveway and I see to columns on either side of the car. I feel the car settling and it didn't feel very good at all so I give it a little extra gas and it scooted a few more feet onto drier ground. I'm still thinking I'm on a private entrance. I see an indent in the dirt driveway I pull into and that is when my headlight sweep across the headstones. I anchored hard and my headlights rested on a headstone about a century old and it had my name on it.

My blood pressure shot up. All I could hear was my heart beating in my ears. I jammed the car in reverse just about backup off the pathway. I probably could of handled it a bit better if I hadn't just burned one.

First time I read it. Your own name!! Woofh. cn
I got to add that after I read Carne's skinwalking spooker I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep when the T.V. turned off by itself(powersaver):).Still spooked me though, I got up for a midnight tootsie roll and dog wanted out so I opened the door and the freaking Halloween decorations fell off the door and scared my damn dog,made me jump,dropped my tootsie roll....hahahahaha.So I stayed up half the night watching cartoons:)
That'll learn ya to be in the spirit for the kids LOL
First time I read it. Your own name!! Woofh. cn
I know, I know and I had an cassette playing by the AWB, for those that don't know that is the Average White Band, and the words were something about, 'and their going to get you'.

Edit: I think it was the AWB
my girlfriends so ugly that on Halloween when she opens the door ,, the kids give her candy !!

ooooo thats scray !

Back when I lived in California, there was this one road, everybody used to call it 'Gravity hill'.
There was nothing special about it during the day when you could see the grassy weed covered hills around you, but at night, there was about a quarter mile stretch, where, if you stopped your car, or even moving, you felt as though you were climbing a hill.
Even standing you would feel as though you were leaning into the hill, but if you took your foot off the brake with the car in neutral, the car would continue to climb the hill.
Eerie in the dark, fun with girls.
My mom would walk over to the phone and pick it up without it ringing and say, Hello. 9 out of 10 times dad would be on the other end.
I know, I know and I had an cassette playing by the AWB, for those that don't know that is the Average White Band, and the words were something about, 'and their going to get you'.

Edit: I think it was the AWB

I only know a single AWB lyric, and it's "pick up the pieces". Comfortingly irrelevant, unless "of your composure". cn
I think it's time to tell that my father-in-law died in the exact spot I lay my head down every night. He did he died right in our bedroom taking a nap. I try to not think about it too much.
I think it's time to tell that my father-in-law died in the exact spot I lay my head down every night. He did he died right in our bedroom taking a nap. I try to not think about it too much.

I'm sleeping in the exact spot where my Grandmother died. It comforts me. This is where my grandma entered the Pearly Gates.... and initiated a coup. She now runs Heaven.

Reminds me of an old story. Three native women died and went to Heaven. God had them escorted to his throne and said, "You are all great women who lived moral and honorable lives. You have earned your place among your ancestors. Please tell me what want!" One woman stepped forward, "I am Arapaho. I want to live with grandfather Eagle and soar the skies." God granted her wish. The second woman stepped forward, I am Lakota. I want to live with White Buffalo Calf Woman and walk the path of eternity with my ancestors." God granted her wish.

God looked at the last woman standing straight and proud and asked, "And what of you my daughter?" The woman looked him squarely in the eye and said, "I'm Navajo and I want to know why you're in my seat?"