scary things in the dark.


i was out fishing last night in the good old atlantic ocean. this time of year i like to use waders so i can get out a little better. so its completely dark i cant see anything except the lights on the shore line.which is fine with me all i need to see the hook a little so i can release the stripers that i catch.
THEN I FEEL SOMETHING RUB MY LEG being dark and alone i got really freaked out i had no flashlight and ran/waded back to shore when i got to the shore horseshoe crabs were all over the shore line. talk about freaky they must have thought my boots were more crabs.


Well-Known Member
My favorite crab... anytime I go out to the islands I'll always turn them rightside up as many will get flipped over. They're sweet, and look... they're just :hump: so remember, do not disturb!


Well-Known Member
the crabs were making sweet love to your boots haha. did they put on some marvin gaye and light some candles.