School me in "autos"


Well-Known Member
by the way any cut that leaves my garden gets a full disclaimer of where it originally came from. credit where credit is due

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
When I'm balling I might buy autos. I just run the freebie autos. To many are hemp like. I think its just better to just run clones. But when I find that potent auto freebie. I cross to a banging male. Then toss them offspring outdoor.


When I'm balling I might buy autos. I just run the freebie autos. To many are hemp like. I think its just better to just run clones. But when I find that potent auto freebie. I cross to a banging male. Then toss them offspring outdoor.
????????????? why do you think they are free!
the only way to roll with autos is to make seed...for personal use. I have 6 different varieties of autos in seed form...some are my own mixes while others are the likes of Lowryder2 & Sour60. I wouldn't sell the later...hell I probably wouldn't sell any. Give away is another story altogether. It is bad etiquette to take someone's work and whore it out.

BTW would love to try some spyder but I'm done sending cash overseas. Where can we grab locally?
Have been considering buying sour60 seeds, but your comment gives me pause. Do you mean it's poor quality, therefore undesirable, or good quality that you keep for yourself? Have seen your sour60 posts on another forum, and agree that the yield would be better with, say, planting in 5 gallon buckets for long taproot and large root ball, and no transplanting.


Active Member
Yeah because there is nothing wrong with taking someone else's work and making a few dollars right. This has got to be one of the only industries were being a thief is praised and rewarded. If you want to use someones work to help create something of your own that is fine, but making copies of someones work and selling them is stealing. Sorry for the rant but the lack of integrity in this scene is mind blowing.
Monsanto thinks this way too


Well-Known Member
I've grown them and breed them. dont know about sativaish autos. They are all different mine came from alaska and russia. they only get about a foot tall I guess some breeders are getting them a lil bigger. The most Ive gotten was 3/4 of an ounce. You cant clone them you cant top them or transplant them. three gallon pot is best strait from seed, but its kind of tricky you have to let the seed sprout and grow up and fill in soil around it every time you disturb the roots you slow it down mine still takes 90 days.


Well-Known Member
Have been considering buying sour60 seeds, but your comment gives me pause. Do you mean it's poor quality, therefore undesirable, or good quality that you keep for yourself? Have seen your sour60 posts on another forum, and agree that the yield would be better with, say, planting in 5 gallon buckets for long taproot and large root ball, and no transplanting.
Sour60 is good for an comments were more directed on the subject of selling others work. I still am working on autos & really is quite the endeavor.

I keep thinking...power parachute & 100# sack of auto beans ;)


Well-Known Member
If you believe that is all flushing is for, then that is why you are getting headaches. You have to flush a plant for the last few weeks to get all chemicals out of the plant that you don't want there for harvesting.

Smoking chemicals gives u a headache, not the weed itself.

Just saying...
Every time you smoke weed, you smoke chemicals. You can't flush thc/cbd/cbn.... Their chemicals!