Schtrudel's first attempt at PC rather stealthy growbox ScrOG


Active Member
>First of all, hi! I'm Schtrudel and this is my second time growing. My first time was a horrible dissaster that ended by me messing up a transplant and killing one of my plant and the other plant being eaten by birds( yes, FUCKING BIRDS ) on my rooftop.
>I've read all i need to do to make myself a stealth pc growbox. You guys sugested using scrog method and that''s what i;ll do.
>I taped my walls with aluminium foil( meh ).
>I''ve installed 1x20w yellow CFL 1x26w white CFL and i found somewhere in my house an 11w and i said wth and put it in there too ... i'm hoping by tomorow the 2 23w air ionizer white and yellow CFL i''ve ordered will arive.
>My little plant was given to me by a friend who can''t grow anymore cause of family problems(lol). After it came out he kept it in the dark for like 4 days and it stretched like hell.
>I replanted it deeper, moved it in a bigger container with about 1 litre of dirt and watered it.
>As a consequence of not having light it''s first 2 leaves died and the circular ones are yellowish, but the rest of the plant doesnt show signs of death anytime soon( it grows bigger every day ) .
>I vegged it for 1 week 24h/0 and intend to do that 1.5 weeks more as i am leaving town and can''t shut the light down. When i come back home i will install the chicken wire,buy a timer and attempt ScrOG.
>I can''t move the cfl''s closer to the plant so i move the plant closer to the CFL''s.

My questions are:
1)As i am leaving town for 1 week, how far must i move the plant in anticipation for it''s growth?10 more cm than it already is is ok?
2)Am i vegging it too much( aprox 3 weeks ) for the space i have ?
3)What if it grows TOO big for my space, can i just trim some of it to acomodate her?

anybody used air "purifier CFL's ?



Well-Known Member
i like the idea. ive thought of doing one just to do it. but i havnt got around to it. keep us posted on the results and issues etc


Active Member
i;ve modified the whole project. From what i understand ( you guys said it, not me ) : you can't grow enough in a pc growbox ( 5-10 grams is not enough for the hassle )
so i've migrated to a 1x1x2 ft box, i have 1x26 2x20 1x10 w cfl . Pictures as soon as i come from my date with the guys XD

also pics with my plant, it's so precious


Active Member

ok so i keep my plant 24/0 and during the day i move it in the sun light .
this is not a stealthbox anymore, my parents saw it and just think i'm growing plants/dont care about what's in there ......
i'm going away for a week and i'm afraid they will unplug it and ruin my whole deal, im afraid XD
Ohh damn you moved into a box, yeah same for me brother i think its time for me to upgrade to a stealthy box or a case but im still looking around. I really want to do a pc grow also I want to see what happeneds after the week ur away good luck! and are you going to have anyone watch ur plants while you are away?