Schultz Nutrients


I can't afford fox farm right now, and store is to far away from me, so I am going to use Schultz nutrients, its a nute with a eye dropper to add nutes, has any1 used this>???? is it any good>???? can I just Schultz throughout the whole growth.


Well-Known Member
schultz is a good nute and yes you can use it throughout. just ad some mollases to the mix when you start flowering. it is an awesome and cheap extra source of potassium and other essential micro nutrients


Are those Schultz nutes for soil only or can they be used for hydro plants as well?

Just wondering because I'm planning to do a hydro grow and thats one of the nutes that is easily available for purchase.


Well-Known Member
Soil only, it doesn't have ph buffering so in hydro I would expect a real PITA.

Works well in soil for as cheap as it is I must admit, probably cost me $2 to veg the ladies in the pic but you will have to watch for deficiencies, in fact expect them. Keep some cal-mag close by and something with just N and follow proper feeding schedule and flush when appropriate.

It's not going to be the easiest or greatest stuff to use but will clearly work:



could you please update me via this thread on your progress please?

i would be interested to see if this is viable.

thanks so much!


good to hear that all is going well for you.

what kind of hydro system are you running?

do you put the nutes in the res or just water and feed with it seperatly?


Soil only, it doesn't have ph buffering so in hydro I would expect a real PITA.

Works well in soil for as cheap as it is I must admit, probably cost me $2 to veg the ladies in the pic but you will have to watch for deficiencies, in fact expect them. Keep some cal-mag close by and something with just N and follow proper feeding schedule and flush when appropriate.

It's not going to be the easiest or greatest stuff to use but will clearly work:
actually it even says right on the bottle that it is for hydro and i am running a bubbleponic and is working amazing


Well-Known Member
Shultz? That you got at the dept store? Says hydro on it?

Please tell me what it says on the label. I am looking at the one I used and it says All Purpose Plant Food Plus with micronutirents 20-30-20

It doesn't say anything about hydro.


Active Member
there are schultz all purpose plant food, african violet, and on the side of it it says "Ideal for hydroponic cultures, now I'm running a 12/12 from seed in some coco, and I use some veg nutes, and schultz bloom plus, it worked well, it was pretty slow probably because I wad too careful to overdose it so used to little, now I got some african violet 8-14-9 gonna try it out and update on the progress