Schuylaar's Sesh - Florida's Bellwether..

Now you lecture me on what I should do with my time?

Good one.

Many hours in the day. Do you want to match pay stubs for a bet?
Now you lecture me on what I should do with my time?

Good one.

Many hours in the day. Do you want to match pay stubs for a bet?

we could but id have to make mine, and they would be way cool

like free car wash in stead of quarterly bonus, or you get to work overtime to 3 week trimming bonus cardbut get no extra pay , or maybe the big kicker bonus end of year pot gets cheaper and cheaper as demand and supply both go up and our customers start loath us cuase we dont have a 401 K like to just see a bit of fucking gratitude from the none growers banner maybe jsut fuckikng once

blah blah blah no one cares
we could but id have to make mine, and they would be way cool

like free car wash in stead of quarterly bonus, or you get to work overtime to 3 week trimming bonus cardbut get no extra pay , or maybe the big kicker bonus end of year pot gets cheaper and cheaper as demand and supply both go up and our customers start loath us cuase we dont have a 401 K like to just see a bit of fucking gratitude from the none growers banner maybe jsut fuckikng once

blah blah blah no one cares

I do care. And I am sure there are a few here that are real people and not just marginal forum cowards....

Like you, for example. :) I missed you.

Real people do care about other real people.
i dont move i nest? lets be friends

I was referring to my very good friend Sky, that seems to be letting this stuff get to her.

And like I told Buck this will be a long summer. Don't blow out that fast ball, arm just, yet.

She is pissed at me again. I might get back on her ignore before the summer is over. Not the Briar Patch!!! :)

But, I will never have taken sides even once. Too much fun in the middle.
Florida to an outsider...

Disney, orange juice, old people, alligators and Zimmerman.

Sounds like a cool spot.