Schuylaar's Sesh - Florida's Bellwether..

Read it and weep

A Sink loss would "would almost certainly be regarded by dispassionate observers as a sign that President Barack Obama could constitute an albatross around the neck of his party’s nominees in November,” Stuart Rothenberg, one of the most highly respected political handicappers in the country, wrote in Roll Call.

What does it say about ocare and the loser president when a flawed R wins over a better funded D? It says a lot about what will come and more D's will be distancing themselves as fast as they can. They might even change parties in an attempt to stay in office.
that doesn't mean anything..the race was close, yesterday she was +3 in a republican held district.
"as the reason why he's lost the race..trouble is..the race hasn't run yet..rather than say the country just wants ocare" Just brilliant.
you're right, it does mean something..for republican held pinellas to be that means something, indeed:wink::clap:
"as the reason why he's lost the race..trouble is..the race hasn't run yet..rather than say the country just wants ocare" yep, sure
What does it say about ocare and the loser president when a flawed R wins over a better funded D? It says a lot about what will come and more D's will be distancing themselves as fast as they can. They might even change parties in an attempt to stay in office. says there are a lot of fucking rednecks in pinellas.

agreed about party swaps..charlie crist got it right when he became a dem:wink:
"as the reason why he's lost the race..trouble is..the race hasn't run yet..rather than say the country just wants ocare" yep, sure

hey that's your party that was issuing damage control over this lame idiot 24 hours before the race didn't even have the confidence in your candidate.. says there are a lot of fucking rednecks in pinellas.

agreed about party swaps..charlie crist got it right when he became a dem:wink:
Jolly won even with 5% voting for the L. Redneck, I see, is your code for white people. You hate them so much I figured you'd just break out the white people comment again like you did earlier.

You madam are a racist.
hey that's your party that was issuing damage control over this lame idiot 24 hours before the race didn't even have the confidence in your candidate..
So what he won and he was not a good candidate either. The D's better get it in gear they are about to lose the Senate.
hey that's your party that was issuing damage control over this lame idiot 24 hours before the race didn't even have the confidence in your candidate..
Confidence? Hell, I didn't even know his name. What was it? Oh, yeah! Not The Obamacare Supporter. That's it.