Science, Nature And Technology Section


Well-Known Member
It seems that many members here, like myself, are interested in this subject area. It would give clear access to these fields without having to share your mildly scientific posts between the advanced cultivation and spirituality/sexuality/philosophy forums. It could be a perfect place to highlight important breakthroughs, pay respect to our heroes and give us all a place to share views and hold debates.

The field of science is ever expanding at an ever faster rate, so a forum dedicated to it would act as both a news feed and an educational, :blsmoke: interesting read. Cheers. Wild
:confused:So, as a man of science i have been wondering to myself. Along with my cloning; i have been rejuvinateing plants after harvest. Now i am a meeger sort of fella and have not had the time or plant amount to test any theories myself. But what would happen if one was to rejuve. a plant with no harvest first? would it grow twice as big and yield twice as much. Or would it mold all the buds not harvested and become diseased and gross? any thoughts would be great. thanks