Scientists warn of cannabis ‘timebomb’

Excellent contributions you guys, thanks for all of the many thoughtful responses.
IMHO the majority of humanity would be better served in replacing most of the truly destructive prescribed chemical meds with ganja....
not ALL would benefit....but most would!
If only...
I've suffered with anxiety for most of my life. I'm 56. Since weed does make one a little paranoid,it can affect anxiety. But like Kat Williams (comedian) said "herb has a chemical in it called fuck it". So,it's hard for anything to get you down after you've smoked a joint. Because your attitude is what? Fuck it.LOL. And it works!!!
What a load of old cobblers-if i had 5pence/cents for every weirdo scientist who ever produced a report about cannabis and its bad affects on your body i would have enough to buy at least 100 kilos and be totally shit faced all the time and then as was said before i could just say fuck it-fuck it-fuck it all day long whilst hanging out with my imaginary mates, maybe,only if they were being nice to me, they hate me really-or do they oh fuck what shall i do, stay calm, drink some orange, don't laugh at me, its not funny---OH FUCK IT!!!!!!

All the best

i believe in the post
several studies have been made and ganja in fact, increases your chances about schizoprenia
what worries me about schizophrenia isnt the hallucinations, is that you cant think good...
I've been smoking almost daily since 1966. Rather than promoting mental illness, I found that it helped me survive two very stressfull careers lasting a total of over 30 years. Unlike my professional peers, I came home to a joint or three rather than a six pack or three. Since I've been growing for my personal use (thank you California's med pot laws) and retired, I'm consuming more herb than ever before, and per my recent check up, my health is better than ever. Bottom line, be not afraid. Also on a positive note, at least schizophrenics are never lonely.
"I've suffered with anxiety for most of my life. I'm 56. Since weed does make one a little paranoid,it can affect anxiety. But like Kat Williams (comedian) said "herb has a chemical in it called fuck it". So,it's hard for anything to get you down after you've smoked a joint. Because your attitude is what? Fuck it.LOL. And it works!!!"

lol, yes indeed! Someone needs to give Kat Williams an honorary doctorate.

Look - you name it and it's probably more dangerous to your health than marijuana with the exceptions of water and oxygen. That can of coke, that cup of coffee, your McD's hamburger, the average air quality in American homes. These scare tactics used to demonize marijuana have been used for nearly one hundred years and have not changed much - the government lies, good people get scared.
When truthful and salient scientific studies cannot be produced to the effects of a certain chemical agent on our bodies, the government and SCIENTIST WHO GET GRANTS FROM THE GOVERNMENT are their to invent studies that support the agenda of those that fund them. The only thing that sets us aside from these people is that we

#1 know the truth.
#2 disseminate the truth through social activism.
#3 do not hide from the absurd mockery put forth by bureaucratic, nonsense peddling, freedom haters.
#4 continue to practice what they all say is so harmful to us with no ill effects whatsoever.

Fuck, reading this crap makes me want to a smoke a fatty.
this thread is 2 years and 5 month old

dont do math when your high man


let me give myself one of these
For good underlying references look at:
The medicinal use of cannabis and cannabinoids / edited by Geoffrey Guy, Brian A. Whittle, Philip J

Book, it lays to rest most of the anti crap that masquerades as science based public policy.

I've been smoking pot for the past 11 years and I still live a perfectly normal and healthy life.
There are links between heavy cig use and schizophrenia as well. For a long time, science thought cig's played a role in bringing about the disease. Only recently have they figured out that the cig's were actually an effective coping mechanism and now let schizophrenics smoke all the cig's they want.

it could be that schizophrenics find difficulty with keeping a job and drug use in their spare time is prevalent.

This may be the same thing..... it may not be.
Where's my broom!

lol what a load of hypocritical is it that the mental health profession says " at least five international studies have found that cannabis doubles the risk of mental illness, including schizophrenia" when the majority of antidepressants/antipsychotics stimulate the production of anandamide, dopemine, seratonin..etc.. which is naturally found in/stimulated by cannabis, and afaik cannabis is the only natural form of anandamide.

I can sum up that article pretty ez.

"don't use cannabis as medicine because we don't know how to make $$$ of it yet. Thank you for not thinking for yourself, when we figure out a way to regulate and make more $ off of cannabis we will tell you that it is good for you. Untill then please take these "happy pills" instead and all your problems will go away"