Scoreboard: “my judges”


Well-Known Member
Mister John Roberts of the Supreme Court says "I was there in Vietnam" That's a fucking lie @4:57

Additional information from Sarah Windsor who made those recordings.

They make a good case for saying it outright. That Justice Alito is not capable of making independent decisions regarding Trump and presidential immunity. He wants to retire and then indulge in a vendetta against people who factually reported his corrupt actions while serving on the Supreme Court. If Biden wins, he'll have to stay on the job. He won't retire without the certainty that another Federalist Society appointee takes his spot.

Then his wife will "get them".


Ursus marijanus
I'm guessing that segment got you hyperventilating.

The Federalist Society's attempted take-over of the justice system is bearing fruit and making a mess on the pavement of America's streets.
Yup, that is half the coup, the part that’s succeeding.

Assuming convict does not carry the election, I will be hopespecting that the Biden administration has a plan to behead the serpent i. e. dilute the FS plants in Scotus.


Ursus marijanus
Additional information from Sarah Windsor who made those recordings.

They make a good case for saying it outright. That Justice Alito is not capable of making independent decisions regarding Trump and presidential immunity. He wants to retire and then indulge in a vendetta against people who factually reported his corrupt actions while serving on the Supreme Court. If Biden wins, he'll have to stay on the job. He won't retire without the certainty that another Federalist Society appointee takes his spot.

Then his wife will "get them".
btw Vergogna:
shame, disgrace, discredit, scandal, embarrassment


Well-Known Member
btw Vergogna:
shame, disgrace, discredit, scandal, embarrassment
Accuse others of crimes that you are guilty of. As if attempting the overthrow of government which the flags she flew supported was not a shame, disgrace, discredit, sandal or embarrassment to her and her husband.

In this podcast, George Conway makes this point: That Clarence Thomas and Alito are handed excuses by the Federalist Society and the right wing echo chamber for doing things that had Kagan or Sotomayor done they would be going absolutely ballistic. If Kagan had driven off with a $270,000 motor home after being given a loan she did not have to pay, she would be dragged through the streets in shame. If Sotomayor had said there could be no compromise and the right must be beaten in order to put this country on the path of moral righteousness, Federalist Society hacks would demand she recuse herself from rulings that affect Trump and his authoritarian right movement.

And -- there are grounds for criminal investigations into what Clarence Thomas has done. Based upon facts, not politics. Because that's what the justice system is supposed to do in order to protect the rule of law.
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Ursus marijanus
Accuse others of crimes that you are guilty of. As if attempting the overthrow of government which the flags she flew supported was not a shame, disgrace, discredit, sandal or embarrassment to her and her husband.

In this podcast, George Conway makes this point: That Clarence Thomas and Alito are handed excuses by the Federalist Society and the right wing echo chamber for doing things that had Kagan or Sotomayor had done they would be going absolutely ballistic. If Kagan had driven off with a $270,000 motor home after being given a loan she did not have to pay, she would be dragged through the streets in shame. If Sotomayor had said there could be no compromise and the right must be beaten in order to put this country on the path of moral righteousness, Federalist Society hacks would demand she recuse herself from rulings that affect Trump and his authoritarian right movement.

And -- there are grounds for criminal investigations into what Clarence Thomas has done. Based upon facts, not politics. Because that's what the justice system is supposed to do in order to protect the rule of law.
Yeah. This unnatural toleration has me a bit skittish.

It’s a bit like a sick tree — it’s not only the visibly affected bits. How far in, I wonder. The data suggest that the news isn’t good.


Ursus marijanus
A judge in Missouri is denying Planned Parenthood a motion to dismiss an anti-women’s health suit based on the infamously fabricated Project Veritas video. Judge Brouck Jacobs was appointed by then-Governor Eric Greitens. So not a convict appointee, but part of the maga threat.

A supposed witness account about Greitens’s
stunning political about-face.

As the state of Missouri continued its rightward shift over the next few years, Greitens apparently surveyed the landscape and decided to switch parties. He penned a Fox News op-ed which essentially argued that he switched parties because Democrats spent too much money helping suffering veterans, sapping their initiative. Many who had known him as a longtime Democrat were skeptical. “This is a guy that had a Ph.D. from Oxford and had been to war and was a grown adult,” former Democratic Party chair Webber told the Missouri Times. “He had all of these life experiences and decided he had a progressive view of the world, and then in a couple of years, with no significant events happening, he decided he’s suddenly this ultra-conservative guy.” There is absolutely nothing wrong with changing one’s mind as you learn more about the world. What irritates people of both parties about Greitens is not that he has evolved from mainstream Democrat to mainstream Republican to ultra-MAGA warrior in less than a decade. It’s that he viciously and sanctimoniously attacks others for taking the exact same positions that he recently held. And yet, based on recent polling, the approach just might work. The question many ask: If he is indeed elected, which Eric Greitens will show up in the U.S. Senate? For those of us who have observed him across four decades, the answer is clear: whichever one will best serve his ambition — which is, as a young Greitens told his kindergarten teacher who spoke at his 2015 gubernatorial campaign announcement, to become president.

Emphasis mine; it’s the familiar neoliberal “cruelty is the point, because it is actually tough love.”

Greitens got correctly toasted for this bit of larpy inciteful promotion of violence as if it were politically legitimate.

The guy seems to be the whole package: rapist, abuser, campaign money thief, Great Replacement proponent. From Wiki.

Like other Republican Senate candidates in 2022, Greitens promoted the "Great Replacement" conspiracy theory, a far-rightnotion that gained currency within the Republican Party; he also accused Joe Bidenof adopting policies that "are an assault on the entire idea of America."[243][244] In June 2022, Greitens released a campaign advertisement showing him bursting into a house, wielding a shotgun, and flanked by men dressed in full military gear carrying assault rifles.[245] In the ad, Greitens declared: "Join the MAGA crew. Get a RINO hunting permit. There's no bagging limit, no tagging limit, and it doesn't expire until we save our country."

Good thing he got primaried.