Scotch Whisky / Bourbon Whiskey thread

if it's not neat, it's not one of my single malts. dewars or famous grouse if you're gonna water it down IMO.
Each to their own but i disagree. Whisky is essentially water. Now i am lucky enough to live in a good soft source of water. A source not too far from some of the good malts. But here is the thing. Whisky is a concentrate. It has been boiled, reduced and heated. Its components have been reduced to the essence of their being. It has been left in barrels where air and nature have stolen its excess and reduced it further. It has lay in this position from 2 till 40 years. Each day grabbing a piece of its soul. All you do by adding a drop is replenish a hint of its origins.

( not add shitty london tap water. Go for fresh clean soft water. By scottish water if you have to.)
(only rape the willing, I have standards)
We'll work up a Number 6 on 'em.
Hedley Lamarr : [frowns] "Number 6"? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that one.
Taggart : Well, that's where we go a-ridin' into town, a-whompin' and a-whumpin' every livin' thing that moves within an inch of its life. Except the women folks, of course.
Hedley Lamarr : You spare the women?
Taggart : Naw, we rape the shit out of them at the Number Six Dance later on.
Hedley Lamarr : Marvelous!