Scotch Whisky / Bourbon Whiskey thread

“Today Old Crow is a bottom-shelf whiskey,” reads a recent Sotheby’s listing for vintage Old Crow, “a shadow of its former self, and this bottle is a testament to how glorious that former self really was.”
Me too ! Why is that ? I was in a bar one day, and a fella was doing shots of Scotch. The bar-keep said, " I've never seen anybody do shots of scotch.
Ya love or hate that elixir. I was in Scotland a while back. Some of the gptop distillers said single malt was not their focus anymore. It was a clichhe, and that certain blends were the trend.
Only true whisky drinkers appreciate ime it is why alot of folk just don't get it and it's not the choice drink with many younger folk over here neither they proly sell more batch gin these days and all that Vs a good single malt

If ya titrate that scotch ( only a few drops of water ) , watch the magic happen ! The drink will swirl and twirl , releasing exquisite flavor and aroma !
See I prefer it wae a couple of ice cubes no water and take wee sips and work it over your tongue to taste all the different notes for me that always worked better than with water Tae each to there own I suppose