Scotland: Experts Say Cannabis Should Be Legal


Well-Known Member
Some shit i had to buy as we have only just started ...
we got 4 in there at the mo about 4 ft high all got buds looking good after a week and a half

mr west

Well-Known Member
cool i got 2 and a half weeks left on my bubleliciouse and they looking fat as fuk and getting bigger every day lol. theres pics in my gallery dude if u wanna see

mr west

Well-Known Member
thats a bitch, m i got some satori that will take as long. Bublelicious will be finished in 9 i recon, 2 weeks on thursday woot woot, cant wait lol.


Active Member

That would be so good if it became legal, even decriminalised would be a start. i know there is a lot of people out there that will say stuff like the government would tax it and regulate it but that cant be a bad thing. not everyone has time, space and money to grow their own but at least this way you would be getting better quality and quantity for your money. how many times have you bought weed from a dealer that was still damp, full of stalk and nowhere near ready to be sold cos i know that ive lost count. dealers are greedy when it comes to weed. if its still damp they are gonna make so much more money than they would if it had been dried and cured properly and who knows what method they used to grow the shit, has it been flushed properly?:spew: has it been grown by someone that knows what they are doin or was it someone who set up a grow and didnt care for it as much as they could?? if it had to be taxed and regulated by the government at least we would have some peace of mind knowin that there has to be some sort of quality control. anyone else got thoughts on this???:peace:out


Active Member
I hope they legalize it because Scotland specially the main cities Glasgow & Edinburgh are badly dry the only thing you get here right now is homegrown WET! bud grown by the Chinese or Vietnamese which is not worth buying unless you want to fuck yourself up with a bangin sore head! lol

If anyone can get a hang off good weed in Scotland or England please contact me
i am willing to buy an ounce to half keys if bud is GOOD!