Scotland Growers Thread


Well-Known Member

  • got a couple Big Buddah Cheese autoflowering s33ds, if anyone wants them to try out give me a shout u can have them free as im giving autos a miss from now on.​



Well-Known Member
View attachment 2713604View attachment 2713605View attachment 2713606i sorted out my extraction problem, i bought myself a 4" extractor fan, carbon filter and ducting, also got an air intake fan as well, they will be delivered this week some time, but for now i have my cuttings in and they are looking good only went into soil 2night so will see them take off in next few days hopefully,

left pot is Holy Grail Kush
center pot is Blue Cheese
Right pot is Cheese

the single plant in smaller compartment is my 5 week into flowering Blue Lemon Thai


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
I'll defo have the slh mate. Fucking love that strain. I'll get back to you in a bit mate, gotta go and pretend to do some work :( lol


Well-Known Member
c'mon u mighty boys in blue, tartan army thru and thru,

come on Scotland lets do again what we did last time we met 14 years ago, i'd happily take a 1-0 win over England any day


Well-Known Member
Whats cracking bitches, this thread sems to have died, lets pick it up again, even if ur not from Scotland chip in and say something, show off ur grows, bitch about each other, its all gravy baby, anyway peace from sunny scotland lol