scottish growers thread.

hi riu,im new to the computer,and stoned ,i like to see the scottish growers have their say and input read its illegal here in bonnie scotland but we love good weed as well ,im sure theres alot of scottish growers out there:leaf::leaf::leaf:,heres what im growing at the moment,3amnesia lemon,1 vannilla kush,1 lemon skunk,1 red desile,1 heavan. iwill try and post pics when their done,just 12/12 a week ago, i think everbody shuold grow their own medication at home were not hurting any one are we .we shuold all vote for a pro cannabis goverment and vote against the people that stop us from enjoying good quaility weed,fuck anybody that diagrees with me:cuss::cuss::cuss::lol:;-):leaf::leaf::leaf:,lets here it for bonnie scotland....:leaf::leaf::leaf::joint::joint:bongsmilie
fit like ,go to see theres are scottish growers who are havin their say ,your right about the prices for weed,1.1grams for 25 quid on the east coast,what u growin at the momeant,good im not the only one out there.away for a smoke,

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Know how ya scots feel about being dicked by her majesty, but if ya after some scots there's a whole bunch of the cunts over in the UK growers thread.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Googling that gave me these as first 2 results, it's not looking good either way fellas fellas :D

Skirts or fucking McBeth! I'll give you true Dutch courage and murder everyone in the castle., fuck the objective! Not sure what that's about but some random memory from school no doubt :p