Scotts Moisture Advantage Potting Soil

Elite Nugz

Active Member
Sure.... just make sure not to overwater them. That type of soil is made to hold extra moisture, which can be a bad thing. So just make sure to let your soil dry out before you water each time.


Well-Known Member
I believe they use a time release fertilizer in it which IS NOT OK for marijuana growing unless you veg for 2+ months or longer. When you start to flower, it will still be pumping out high Nitrogen when you should have high P. There are much better choices in the market than Scotts (which owns the Miracle Grow label)......

Elite Nugz

Active Member
It depends. To water the correct way, you should flood your plants until you get runoff, out from the bottom. Then let them completely dry out, but not so much as to where the leaves start to droop. Then flood again. You do that, and the plants get maximum amounts of nutrients and maximum amount of oxygen. You get lots of oxygen to your roots, and you'll have some very nice yields and frosty plants.

Elite Nugz

Active Member
Time release if fine. It does make things a little more complicated, but just watch your plants. If the leaves are super dark green, then you know they have plenty of nitrogen and can probably get by with just water. If your going into flowering... just use something like Monster Bloom so you can add the extra needed phosporus, to help your plants swell up.

Either way, you'll be fine. Time release is only bad when you try and add more nutes to whats already there. So you'll actually save some cash since you already have nutes in your soil.

Or maybe you got the bag without nutes already in it. If you got the soil without nutes, then your gonna need to buy a good base nutrient.

Elite Nugz

Active Member
ok but i have ak-47 autoflower seeds and bubbah kush autoflower so the time release shouldnt be a problem ?
Does the bag have 3 numbers on it. N-P-K?? If so tell me what they are. Also look on the back of the bag and see if you read anything about time release nutrients. Not many of those have time release, but some do. Then give me that info, and I'll let ya know the best route to take.


Well-Known Member
I disagree but it's too late to argue. It's well documented that time release is not good for indoor planting for a number of reasons but mainly 1) too much N will delay flowering and 2) you can't control the fertilizer application rates since it's built in the soil already. Any good marijauna grow book will tell you not to use it indoors, but outdoors with a long grow season should be fine. Autoflower adds whole other issue and I'd guess it's even worse to use in that circumstance. Do some google searches and you'll see what I'm talking about.......

Elite Nugz

Active Member
i have and have seen plenty of people happy with scotts soil but i havent read any scotts moisture advantage
Yeah bro.. dont listen to anyone that tells you otherwise. Their caught up in the hype from the nutrient companies and what the hydro stores feed them. I use to manage a hydro store here in Southern California, so I know all about it. I wanted everyone to come buy the expensive stuff, when they could have very well grown with some WalMart, Lowes or HomeDepot bought soil.

If there is time release nitrogen in there... there it actually lasting for 30+ days is rare. Even if the bag says is supposed to feed for 60+ days.. you'll be lucky to even get through the first month, without having to add your own nutrients. Also.... people think you dont want any nitrogen during flowering. This is not true. You want some nitrogen, just not as much as in veg. I doubt that Scotts even does the time release thing. Miracle Grow soil is the soil known to have the time release.

I've been growing in hydroponics and soil for a very long time. 2 times a year I run a BIG outdoor run. FoxFarm and all that other stuff is way too damn expensive to use outdoors. So I've used the cheap stuff.. I've mixed my own soil from material I've gotten from big nurseries... and I've gone through my share of the expensive stuff. As long as the soil is "fluffy" and allows a good amount of oxygen to the roots, is pest free, and isnt packed with synthetic nutrients, then it works just as well as the expensive stuff. If the bag says that it will feed your plants for 30 days, then you'll be fine. If the bag says that it will feed your plants for over 30 days... then you probably have some time release shit in them, but even with that, you can still manage and get great result. You just need to not add any extra nutrients to the mix, beside phospurus and potassium during flowering. Then at about week 4 of flowering, you'll want to add a Magnesium and Calcium supplement, since the plants really start to eat that stuff up around that time.