SCOTUS: Constitution VOID

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member,1619206.html

ATLANTA, Jan. 18, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark decision that serves to allow judges to void the Constitution in their courtrooms. The decision was issued on January 18, 2011, and the Court did not even explain the decision (Docket No. 10-632, 10-633, and 10-690). One word decisions: DENIED.
Presented with this information and massive proof that was not contested in any manner by the accused judges, at least six of the justices voted to deny the petitions:
"There is no legal or factual basis whatsoever for the decisions of the lower courts in this matter. These rulings were issued for corrupt reasons. Many of the judges in the Northern District of Georgia and the Eleventh Circuit are corrupt and violate laws and rules, as they have done in this case. The Supreme Court must recognize this Petition as one of the most serious matters ever presented to this Court."
The key questions answered negatively by the U.S. Supreme Court was:
"Whether federal courts must be stopped from operating corruptly and ignoring all laws, rules, and facts."
By denying the petitions, SCOTUS has chosen to sanction corruption by federal judges and to allow federal judges to void sections of the Constitutional at will.
William M. Windsor has been involved in legal action in the federal courts in Atlanta since 2006. Windsor was named a defendant in a civil lawsuit (1:06-CV-0714-ODE) in which Christopher Glynn of Maid of the Mist in Niagara Falls, swore under oath that Windsor did a variety of things including the crimes of theft and bribery. Windsor stated under oath that Christopher Glynn made it up and lied about absolutely everything that he swore. Windsor then obtained deposition testimony from Glynn and the other managers of the Maid of the Mist boat ride, and they admitted, under oath, that charges against Windsor were not true.
Despite this undeniable proof, 32-year federal Judge Orinda D. Evans declared that the grandfather of three should not have fought the lawsuit, and she forced him to pay a fortune in legal fees of Maid of the Mist. Windsor appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, but federal judges Dubina, Hull, and Fay rubber-stamped Judge Evans' ruling. Windsor then took his appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court where the justices said the appeal was not worthy of their consideration (cert denied).
After attempting to get the case reopened with new evidence that proved fraud upon the courts and obstruction of justice, Judge Evans and Judge William S. Duffey committed a variety of crimes and violations of Constitutional rights, as did judges with the Eleventh Circuit. All of this was detailed for the Supreme Court.
Windsor says: "I have discovered that the federal judges in Atlanta, Georgia, Washington, DC, and the justices of the United States Supreme Court function like common criminals intentionally making bogus rulings against honest people while covering up the crimes of their fellow judges. I have been contacted by people from all over the country and around the world with their stories of judicial corruption with judges all over the U.S.
"My charges have been totally ignored by the United States Attorney's Office, the FBI, and Congress. I do not believe there is a shred of decency, honesty, or Constitutional rights in our federal courts. In my opinion, we now live in a police state. Judges are free to do absolutely anything they want. Our laws are meaningless. Your life savings can be stolen by a federal judge, and they have no risk in violating every law in the books.
"In my opinion, this is the most serious issue that our country has ever faced. Our rights have been stolen. And the mainstream media refuses to cover this story because they are afraid of the judges. Heaven help us.
"I believe our only hope in America is if the masses become aware of what is taking place. I am writing an expose, and my book will be available at Borders, Barnes & Noble, and on soon. The publisher will decide if the title is Lawless America or Screwed, Glued, and Tattooed."

Take that, America!!!

"Death to America!" Lerm from Squidbillies

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Thanks Ruiner, yep another nail in a well nailed coffin. The entire "war on drugs" is blatantly unconstitutional. If you are looking to impact courts and shitty decisions I'd suggest spreading the word about JURY NULLIFICATION.

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Well-Known Member
Thanks Ruiner, yep another nail in a well nailed coffin. The entire "war on drugs" is blatantly unconstitutional. If you are looking to impact courts and shitty decisions I'd suggest spreading the word about JURY NULLIFICATION.

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Well-Known Member
Is it me or does this topic seem like its not getting ANY attention...?
Thanks I read it. Were fucked and no one cares both political partys and their media are openly calling and comparing eachother to nazis on T.V., No one seems to care. Oh well I hope it holds out another 20 years. they've been saying it was the end since the begining. I'm just going to keep paying my bills and going to work then watching T.V. and going to bed


Well-Known Member
I read a lot about this last night. The "decision" of the supreme court did not void the constitution. They denied a writ of mandamus, (3 of them actually) that was asking the SCOTUS to force a recusal of about 25 Federal Judges from ever presiding over a case involving William Windsor ever again, based on his claim that the judges were biased for two reasons: 1. That the judges were protecting their friends who were also judges, and 2. that the judges were prejudice against him (Windsor) because he was a pro per se defendant.

He represented himself in Federal Court and lost the case. He went through the appeals process 3 times and lost. As a result, he was ordered to pay the legal fees, ($1.5M) of the corporation he sued. Now he is trying to get his case heard again under a new set of judges.

Writ of mandamus are generally denied, anyway because they disrupt the legal system so much. In order to even be granted, a writ of mandamus has to prove that someone with a legal obligation to perform a duty failed to perform that duty according to their position. He was unable to prove this. A writ of mandamus will not be granted until all other forms of equitable remedy have been exhausted. He was unable to demonstrate this. There are lots of equitable remedies, but in this case, an equitable remedy would be agreed upon only if the party has been damaged to a point where monetary compensation cannot repair the damage. He is not in this position.

The denial of these writs does not void the constitution because there has been no precedent set, as Windsor claims. No precedent has been set because the motion was never even heard by the courts. It just didn't make it that far.

The guy's situation sucks, but he should have listened to the old adage, "He who represents himself in court has an idiot for a lawyer and a fool for a client."


Active Member
Is it me or does this topic seem like its not getting ANY attention...?
Seems we have a mass ostrich reaction nowadays. No one gives a shit. So by trying to enlighten/awaken the ignorant or delusional your only effectively putting your own head on the executioners chopping block. And I do mean that with all sincerity. If people don't get it by now then they won't, until it's too late. So, my stance is, fuck em.

On a side note.
Probably round 1933-34 there was a small group of Jews in Germany that were chastised and referred to as nut cases, paranoid etc.. Those with the insight left the country some did not. Those who did not leave.. Well.. You know how the story goes.
People haven't changed, just the names have.


Well-Known Member
Maybe that's really a good thing that we have poland to protect us. At least we know we can count on them.