Screw me!!!!!

Here’s where the PPP money really went. Republicans bailed out LARGE corporations that used the money to pay for expenses violating rules set forth to take the money.

Just think YOU voted to expand America’s corporate welfare program.

Since you struggle to read here’s the breakdown

  • Hundreds of millions of dollars of Paycheck Protection Program funds have been claimed by large, publicly traded companies.
  • In fact, the U.S. government has allocated at least $243.4 million of the total $349 billion to publicly traded companies, according to Morgan Stanley.
  • Several of the companies have market values well in excess of $100 million, including DMC Global, Wave Life Sciences and Fiesta Restaurant Group.
Here’s where the PPP money really went. Republicans bailed out LARGE corporations that used the money to pay for expenses violating rules set forth to take the money.

Just think YOU voted to expand America’s corporate welfare program.

FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH YOUR CNBC ARTICLE! You can't pay rent with monopoly money fool!
Anyone speaks out on your fake news regurgitating bullshit is quickly called a snow flake. FACT
You support corporate welfare and voted for it. Yikes. Let’s GIVE more money to companies that have a value of over 100 million while the average Americans are struggling and losing their jobs in record numbers but we bail out corporations first.

republican = corporate welfare ...more facts
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Actually, what I wanna/meant too say is fuck me, but I'm trying to be somewhat polite for this thread's title.
Motherfucking Republicans won't concede Biden's OVERWHELMING victory over that supposedly Human piece of shit Trump.
AG Barr has initiated an investigation by the FBI to actively investigate supposed voter fraud.
That fat/useless fuck Pompeo stated today that there are no plans for a transition.
The head of the General Services Administration, the agency in charge of the seamless transfer of power also has refused to cooperate.
McConnell/Graham/Cruz/McCarthy have also refused to accept the results
What the fuck is wrong with this fucking counrty?
Biden has almost 3 million more votes than Trump, & that's a fucking fact..
He has 279 Electoral votes as it stands right now at this moment, and all he needed was 270, also a indisputable fact.
This country is BLOWING THE FUCK UP between COVID-19/BLM/unemployment/bankruptcy & the Republicans still want to play fucking games?
Jesus fucking Christ Almighty, will we ever get our shit together?
I think not
Peace out/wear a mask & try too stay safe.
Have you got I.D. :eyesmoke:
Facts? All those things are easily disputed but your mind is ignorant you're not even willing to bring them to light. You leftist run these forums like Hitler. FACT
Dispute one go ahead. I’m not left. I just HATE what the right is doing so they have forced me to this side. Telling women they can’t have an abortion if raped. Corporate welfare. Following RELIGION, as a president, and not science based facts. (The ones you’re crying about right now)
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Facts? All those things are easily disputed but your mind is ignorant you're not even willing to bring them to light. You leftist run these forums like Hitler. FACT
You’re just so damn cute with your ignorance and anger. It’s admirable to stand by the man you love thru thick and thin. Don’t believe the hype, Trumpism isn’t really a “cult”, it’s more like a fraternal order. A white, racist, ignorant order, but fraternal nonetheless.
Right? Some of the best humor on the net.

All you have to do is toss out a political opinion that disagrees with theirs and you can count on the 6-8 liberal trolls here to rush on in to jerk each other off. I wonder how their meet ups were pre-COVID.
Another sock account from 8 years ago. You guys are soooo proud of your opinion come on your reg account and talk shit. But the reason trump lost was all his supporters were locked in a closet and couldn’t vote.
Facts Trump lost
Still contested

Facts A majority of Americans don’t want trump
More Americans voted for Trump then Obama.

Facts Biden got more votes and won more states
Popular vote means nothing and you know it. That is still contested.

Facts There is no evidence of cheating or stealing therefore what you’re saying is a lie and you’re a hypocrite.
There is an overwhelming amount of evidence and the process will take much time to gather and provide a case in court.

Facts our president brushed off science and called the leading person on the planet “a disaster”. And now over 200k Americans dead on Trumps watch.
Most "covid 19" deaths were forged or not properly taken. As I recall the first thing he did was cut off flights to China. The threat of Covid was overwhelming for a lot of global leaders and did not have the luxury of isolation like Australia did.

Facts republicans had 4 years and tanked our economy for the rich to get richer.
Complete fabrication. The recession was caused by the virus not by the republican presidency.

Facts republicans fought for PPP money to bail out businesses which is the equivalent of corporate welfare.
Fact all of those business were American and aim of the bail out was directed to help employees. Cooperate greed isn't anything new.
Facts republicans fought for PPP money to bail out businesses which is the equivalent of corporate welfare.
Fact all of those business were American and aim of the bail out was directed to help employees. Cooperate greed isn't anything new.
It’s not what their intention was it where did the money go? Do some research and take trumps dick out your mouth. It’s a easier to see the screen

potbelly gave 100k bonuses then took this money. Is that what it was for? It happened under trumps watch