SCROG & DWC questions


Active Member
Ok, so I'm attempting a grow in my closet. I want it to be SCROG, and I plan on using DWC. The reservoir is 16 quarts and the flowering square footage is approx. 2.1 square feet. Lighted with 12x23W 2700k CFLs and 2x26W UVB CFLs. I'm looking at close to 9000 lumens per square foot.:bigjoint:

how many plants can I grow in this amount of space? I am thinking 2, is this too many or can I manage more? What kind of yield can I expect with a unit like this, and how quickly...I've heard scrog takes less time.

any advice is appreciated!
how many plants can I grow in this amount of space? I am thinking 2, is this too many or can I manage more? What kind of yield can I expect with a unit like this, and how quickly...I've heard scrog takes less time.

any advice is appreciated![/quote]

1) Any projections anyone gives you on yield is pointless, there are too many unknown variables such as strain being used, veg time, etc. I have seen 5 ounces pulled off of a 3 plant scrog that was flowered under only 300 watts of HPS light in a DWC. But the grower was an expert. My first grow was 2 ounces off 6 plants under 400 HPS of light in soil. Projections are just that, projections, they mean nothing.
2) 2 is fine, and yes you can do more. I do 9 at a time in a 3 square feet of space that is only 3 feet high, simply flower when the plants are still very young. Again, other variables will have a huge affect on this such as whether the strain is indica or sativa dominant etc. If you are unsure exactly what strain you are working with then it will be trial and error.
3) Scrog will not take less time. Nothing will make a plant flower faster other than altering its genetics. A plant flowering under 12/12 light takes the same amount of time to finish whether it is in soil, DWC, or any other grow technique. Just remember that if you are going to do a SCROG you will want to ONLY use clones. If you grow multiple plants from seeds and then weave them into a SCROG you will have a problem at the end because all of the plants will want to finish at different times. Even seeds from seed banks are usually F1 generation seeds that show variable characteristics.


Active Member
Yeah, I figured a yield estimate was pretty stupid to make. I have about 30" of usable height, so I think I'm going to allow for a longer veg to get a higher yield...I'm going to be using an indica dominant, most likely an OG Kush cut from my dispensary, so it will be bushier and I fear crowding. Since I'm starting with rooted clones, how long should I veg such plants?

I should also state that I'm a newbie grower, shouldn't I?
I actually do not know much about that exact strain. But the short answer is, you can veg for as long as you want since you are doing a SCROG. If it was me and I was going to be doing a DWC SCROG in that space I would veg until my plants were roughly 1 foot tall, OR had at least 3 sets of internodes, whichever came first. Then I would flip the lghts to 12/12, set the screen, and start weaving on a daily basis.
good luck.

And there are no stupid questions. "The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance" -Socrates

PS- With a 4 gallon resevoir I would not do more than 4 plants. When they start to get bigger they will be drinking so much water that you will be checking the water levels and ph constantly. You also want to make sure your res is at LEAST 8 inches deep, I prefer 12. Your air stones sit 1 inch tall off the bottom, your cups sit 2 inches deep in the lid, so that cuts out 3 inches of usable space.

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
If you grow multiple plants from seeds and then weave them into a SCROG you will have a problem at the end because all of the plants will want to finish at different times.

Wait, What? Not an expert here, but we're doing a scrog in DWC and two of our 3 plants were vegged from seed for 4 weeks and 4 days and the third was vegged for 3 weeks and recently (check out our grow!) all 3 just entered flowering stage after 31 days in 12/12. Yup. :mrgreen: