scrog grow need help

hows it goin rollitup just seeing if some of you will help me with my scrog grow setup any ways i was thinking i would do 6 blueberry plants in a 3x4x7 grow closet any ways have any body ever used a 1000 watthps grow light in a 3x4 scrog grow room before plz let me know your imput :bigjoint:
o yeah and does any body know if you have to lollipop your plants when doing a scrog?


o yeah and does any body know if you have to lollipop your plants when doing a scrog?

Thats down to you 75% of people do and i always lollipop and top if im scrogging or not but its easy to work out for yourself when scrogging you make a layer of sea of green so all the layer under that layer is going to get no light. So ask yourself isit worth it or not ?