SCRoG: how am i looking?


Well-Known Member

Anyways I got this 70/30 sativa/indica that is under it's own 400w, gonna be 2.5x2.5 spacing and was wondering how it looks, I've been clearing up some undergrowth but since the screen is a little higher up due to plants size I am waiting for the middle growth to get up to the screen which most of it has with some still down there,


Well-Known Member
Nice looking, how old are they?...stupid question: is that a metal screen you're using, if so you're not worried abt it being metal?


Well-Known Member
ive wondered about the fact its metal like is it possible to foliar feed and then have the metal flake off or do ssome wierd shit but from past experience thats not the case and the plants doing fine, shes 4 weeks old as of 2 days ago 3 weeks veg 1 week clone, very fast growth overall, i also got trellis netting and strings for backup screen. its chicken wire btw and if anyone has any information regarding using metal for screen feel free to chime in.

also this is 1 plant.

Pat Man

Active Member
wow this is a beautiful fast growing plant you got here. I think the metal is fine, i've used chicken wire and not had any problem


Hey you shouldn't have any trouble I am out doors in summer indoors in winter.I use similar methods with metal cages it works well!


Well-Known Member
abort abort abort.

Seriously dude, if they are not trained through the wire yet, I would highly highly highly suggest getting a screen with larger holes. Your going to beat the hell out of your plants training them through the chicken wire. Those with several SCROGS under their bellt will pretty much universally agree with that.

2x2" holes is usually the minimum size for a happy scrog.


Well-Known Member
the holes in chicken wire are pretty tiny bro i agree with legallyflying the metal has no give and the holes are puny if a top grows too quickly thru one of those your gunna have a tough time taking it out not to mention when those babies start buddin up your gunna have to cut each individual wire to release them and risk damaging buds. other than that nice plant excellent size for just 3 weeks veg


Well-Known Member
ya i already figured that, after i finally stop training im going to take wire cutters and open the holes, already planned for i just love the smaller hole and stiffness for vegging, also easy to get many tops


Well-Known Member
home depot sells the perfect scrog screen. It's poultry fence with 2"x3" holes and it is plastic coated. It's really good stuff, you may find something similar at the hardware store. Its going to be stiffer than chicken wire for sur


Well-Known Member
home depot sells the perfect scrog screen. It's poultry fence with 2"x3" holes and it is plastic coated. It's really good stuff, you may find something similar at the hardware store. Its going to be stiffer than chicken wire for sur
I agree, the 2x3 would be better. That's what I use in my SCROG.:weed:

By the way, nice plant.