ScrOG Idea


Well-Known Member
I've been searching online and haven't seem to come across an idea that I thought of while in my grow room. I know that there are plenty of V and U shaped ScrOG's that people have done, but I can't seem to find anything on a partial stadium style ScrOG. Has anyone seen or heard of this before? I'm thinking about trying it to increase my canopy surface and increase yield. I would leave one of the ends out so it wouldn't be a full stadium shape and allow me to reach all of my buds. So basically picture a stadium with one of the ends chopped off so you can lean in and do what you need. This would triple my surface area. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
I saw a thread about a vertical scrog looked like 4 plants one in each corner with a vertical lamp in the center if that helps. Have you ever heard of the Omega Garden system? I've wanted to try one of those for years. Peace :joint:


Well-Known Member
I think you need to look at vertical growing. I have an under lit flower room and have increased yield by shaping my plants through topping, FIMing and LST training. If you look from the top at my flowering plants, it looks like a Bowl. I have a perpetual grow and changes go through the system slowly but I have increased my yield over on once a plant. All light is emitted in a cone and if you can maximize the light by training your plants to hit that cone than go for it. Some of my plants are growing at less than 45 deg. to get to the light; which looks like I have a semi vertical grow going. The term, "Light Cone", is a physics term and only applies for a hooded light in our situation.


Well-Known Member
I haven't read about the Omega, but I'll check it out. I've seen vertical grows, but the idea I have would have the walls at a 30 degree angle. Also I have one big ass Qrazy Train in a 20 gallon pot that will be getting fed through the screens.


Well-Known Member
I'm nearing my ninth week of veg and I plan to continue for a couple more weeks. The plant has been supercropped twice, a ton of LST, topped, and fimmed. She's gonna be a huge yield. I also have 100 1/4" holes drilled in the pot for some air pruning.


Well-Known Member
No I do not because I don't have a sealed room. I don't want to kill the cat, which always seems to be in one of the rooms. I flower six plants under a 1000 watt HPS. The room is shut down so I can't post pictures and they are hard to see under a HPS. I can't separate paragraphs. I posted a thread on growing an Ak-47 in the desert. I am going to put it in a 15 gallon bucket and it will not start to flower until September at the earliest and will probably be done in October. I thoroughly expect that all my braches to be able to support my buds. I got off track there, can you post a picture? Fluorescent side lighting is a good way to increase yield.


Well-Known Member
If you have a nice flat canopy than you might want to add to your 400 watt HPS if the plant does not fit that small footprint.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually vegging under a HPS at the moment and my plant is thriving. I also feed, feed, water with Fox Farm nutes and Cal-N-Mag.


Well-Known Member
I also use FF nutrient system. What I meant by how big you are planning on growing is because I expect my AK to get as big as its genetics will allow. I veg my plants for about 6 weeks from cloning and am averaging about 4 to 4 1/2 feet tall at finish. I am growing AK-47 and Head Band Kush. Some of the AKs have reached 5 feet.


Well-Known Member
Right on. I'm glad to hear of someone else pushing the limits with each plant.This is my first indoor grow and I have a lot of people doubting me, but I'm confident that I will do this better than them (not to sound like a douche). Are you planning on using Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Cha Ching in conjuction with Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom?


Well-Known Member
Yes I have used and am using the FF system. I had PH problems because I did not flush a plant between weeks 4 and 5. FF uses allot of salts in their nutrients. My runoff test was 4.5 PH in the non-flushed plant and 7 in the flushed plant. This is my current flowering plants, but I didn't flush the one. I end up dropping the Tiger Bloomz during late flower and feed PH'd water for the last week and a half, with great results.


Well-Known Member
Okay so I just installed my screen today and started feeding some branches through it. The screen also is going up along the walls as planned, just not on an angle like I was thinking about doing. I'm thinking I'll stick with my original plan of one more week of veg and then flip it so the rest of the screen can be filled with her stretch.



Well-Known Member
After you get done with a few rounds of what ever you try, attempt it flat in the same space, and compare notes. Once you have a conclusion, be sure to make a thread or come back here and update this one. Thanks brother!



Well-Known Member
Yeah I will do for sure Woodsman! If you would like a better view of my setup I made a video that you can check out at I will update that channel with a series of videos all the way through harvest. Please feel free to leave some comments on there and you can subscribe if you'd like so you can get updates of the grow. You also get a peak at a couple of the clones that I picked up today. Thanks :peace::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Okay so I went ahead and flowered the Qrazy Train and she looks like she's doing really well but, I have a question that I could use answered if it's not a hassle. I'll post a side by side picture so you can see where she was on 4-25 compared to today, and obviously the video. Thanks guys!

As of 4-2520130425_173342.jpg Today 5-220130502_162747.jpg

And here's the video clip


Well-Known Member
but, I have a question that I could use answered if it's not a hassle.
Well if it's too much hassle to post the question ;)

Thanks for mentioning "full stadium shape", seems better than my VoG (Valley of Green, quarter pipe), which is what my half-pipe turned into last round and what I want to aim for next round.

Even though the net is "just not on an angle like [you were] thinking about doing." you can still shape the canopy like that.


Well-Known Member
I ended up ditching the stadium idea and flowered a little sooner than I planned. I haven't posted any pictures in a while but here's the comparison from the first time it went into the screen to where it is now, 7 days into flower.



Well-Known Member
I think you did the right thing, if you are only growing one plant under that fat light. I think you will be happy with the results. Looks NICE soo far. Keep us posted