SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.

the cloner

Active Member
SDC12913.jpgSDC12920.jpgSDC12915.jpgSDC12922.jpgthis thread is a great read an funny as f$£k.
legal you grow is class. heres my scrog 5wks in flower my first grow.
wot do you think ?


Well-Known Member
Looking good cloner. Very nice buds at 5th week. Your pics make me wonder about adding a little more nitrogen during flower to help fight off some of the yellowing. I always wonder if yields would be higher if the plants were not dropping levee so early. I'm getting some leaves falling off already and tomorrow marks start of week 4


Well-Known Member
IMGP0099.jpgIMGP0098.jpgare you sure its just not yellowing because its going to be harvested in a week and a half? the PH from my run off is a little lower then 7


Well-Known Member
ahhhhh that makes sense I thought you were still2-3 weeks out the yellowing looked really banded in the other photo. What strain is that?

the cloner

Active Member
Looking good cloner. Very nice buds at 5th week. Your pics make me wonder about adding a little more nitrogen during flower to help fight off some of the yellowing. I always wonder if yields would be higher if the plants were not dropping levee so early. I'm getting some leaves falling off already and tomorrow marks start of week 4
cheers legal do you think abit of n would help even with just 3wks left??


Well-Known Member
It's a crystal with what we are pretty sure is an Incan Spirit father. So you guys think I could get away with one more feeding? The trichs are allready atleast 25% milky so I stopped and gave it a flush. Slowly the yellowing started with the crazy bands and some of the leaves have a maroon/purple/red color to them, its pretty cool. My friend grew the same (not organic though, but from the same mother) and all three of his finished in 6 weeks. In ten days I will be at 8 weeks. so with 25% of the trichs milky would I be good with one more feeding?


Well-Known Member
Jelmo, I can't really offer good nute advice for you as your a dirt based farmer. I would advise you to drop down to 8/16 on the lights and decrease night time temps to speed up maturity. It works very well. Also, plan for 48 hours of no lights before you chop them :)


Well-Known Member
Will that speed up just the maturity of the trichs or also the swelling of the buds? I don't want to just speed up the maturity on the trichs and lose the swelling


Well-Known Member
I think you would be hard pressed to get one without the other. Maturation is a function of flowering hormone. This hormone is always being produced bit is degraded (almost instantly) by the presence of light. Increasing the dark period will increase hormon levels, just like in nature.


Well-Known Member
But there are other girls in the room who just started their 12 12 cycle so I would have to completely move it out of the room at this point


Well-Known Member
Ohh, well you fucked then. Chop them all down and start over
:) I will think about that.....

IMGP0142.jpg This was today but when I was checking the trichs there was a bunch that were cloudy then I move to the next nug and they were mostly clear and then the next would be more cloudy with an amber.... it kept changing, so I just left it for longer



Well-Known Member
Beginning of week four; new Rez. Nutes per gallon
5 ml calmag
5ml liquid karma
5ml pro grow
7.5ml pro bloom
5ml biobizz bio-bloom
7ml of locally made "biotic stimulant" aka blackstrap and some other stuff that makes it smell like ass

PPM = 1580 ph= 5.6

Looking forward to giving them a heavier dose of food and also a little more nitrogen