Scrog pics 6 weeks flower update!


Well-Known Member
Here is an update on my plants, they are in week 6 of flowering using scrog with a 400w hps. I'm going start with the veg postings and work my way up to the flower. Let me know what you all think.



Well-Known Member
Oh man looks awesome. I have a scrog question as I have 12 plants that I want to scrog. Once you have all the buds growing up through the screen how do you water and feed? I could see it getting really messy assuming the screen stays in place. Just wondering what the method is. :?:


Well-Known Member
Oh man looks awesome. I have a scrog question as I have 12 plants that I want to scrog. Once you have all the buds growing up through the screen how do you water and feed? I could see it getting really messy assuming the screen stays in place. Just wondering what the method is. :?:
First off, Thanks! That's a great question, as of right now I use a 2.5 gallon jug that I place higher than my girls and let gravity do the work. I do this by using a 1/2" tube, I fill the jug up and get the water started flowing through the tube and just let the gravity keep the water flowing. It is a bit of a pain to get to the back plants but I just reach under and go from plant to plant. For my next grow I am going to secure a sheet of plywood under the screen that the plants will sit on, I will then put casters on the bottom so that I roll the plants (screen and all) out of the closet when it is time to water; this will enable me to get to all sides for much easier watering. Here is a pic of the jug and tube.

Hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
39 days. They are really swelling now! Even though there were clones some are maturing faster than others so I might harvest the bulk of it at 7-1/2 to 8 weeks and then wait another week to harvest the rest. These pics are a few days old, Ladies are now, 42 days old, I will update the pics Monday when I get back from out of town.

Some feedback would be nice, this is my first grow with Scrog, I'm using some clones from my last grow, basically clones from bagseed.



Well-Known Member
nice grow man, just a few questions for you,
how big is the screen, and the cab? what nutes r u using? any pics of the agfgan or thia?


Active Member
This is an awesome grow! I think scrog is the way to go for max yields, cant wait to see what u pull from that...keep up the good work.:joint:


Well-Known Member
This is an awesome grow! I think scrog is the way to go for max yields, cant wait to see what u pull from that...keep up the good work.:joint:
Thanks mrfire420, This is my first time growing with scrog and I have been impressed so far. I'm sure it will only get better as grows go by. I only have a 400w/hps so I feel the best way to get the max yields is to get the light spread as evenly as possible over the canopy and so far scrog seems to be doing the trick. I'm also planning on starting to do Aeroponics with scrog and see what kind of yields I can get but that is still a least two grows away.


Well-Known Member
nice grow man, just a few questions for you,
how big is the screen, and the cab? what nutes r u using? any pics of the agfgan or thia?
Thanks Beennoobed, I'm using a a closet that is about two and a half feet deep and about 6 feet wide. My screen is 2'x2', just using chicken wire for that. Here is a pic of my nutes, but basically it's Magical, TigerBloom, Carboblast, Bigbud, and Ton-o-bud.


This is an insperation. Congratts. Just a couple quick questions. How old were the plants when you put the screen on? How high is the screen off the ground? How tall will your plants get and how high do you have your light off the tops? Ive got about 3.5' hight in my crawl space and this might be a great solution for all my concerns if that is enough height. Thanks in advance