SCROG question. Too late?


Well-Known Member
I have some stretch plants on my hands... and running low on room. They are a month and a half old and in a grow cabinet. Would it be too late to start them on a SCROG? (only on day 4 of flowering.) Also any recommendations on where to find a screen for them?


Well-Known Member
NO my friend it is not too late....

If i new how tall your plants where i would be able to give you a short version.....oh yeah and i need some pics...

This hopefully will tell me how much branching you have....or if its 1 long stick.

Give me some info man.... But if they are 1 long stick and longer than 2 feet.... then you want to start off by super cropping the bitches...

Thats when you pinch the stock where you want it to bend.... Gently now... you pinch a little one each side...SO you weaken it... you dont need much pressure..and you dont want to damage the passage inside.... I really never had had a bad one.... but ive heard of people being stupid...You tube has some videos on it... search for ... supercropping

Good luck and ill be checking in for those pics.. :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply! they are all around 2 feet tall. pics on the way.

yeah man ...supercrop those ladies at around the 9 inches mark... when supercroping you dont need the net.... Unless you have alot of branches and then you might want to have something holding it down and it also allowes you to place the bud sites where you want them... Just be carefull when you pinch (they say) Like i said i never had a TO Pinched issue... im sure if your just caring about it and pinch only enough for you to feel it getting weaker youll be fine.... again good look and check out my Scrog.. :joint: