Scrog your plant genetically?

Mr. M

So i hope that caught your attention. I have this one plant that mutated or something and grows like a plant that would be topped but i know it is most definatly isnt. Its been like that since it was a seedling and it just keeps growing out two heads everytime. should i clone it or breed it or something? For some reason it started to flower but i think it stopped its really weird.

Any insight? here is a pic from this morning and here are acouple of pics from its earlier stage.



Well-Known Member
ive got one like this also, i took 6 clones and within 8 days 5 had rooted so i put them into there first pots, i also planted the unrooted one thinking it would show roots the next day or so anyway! well after about a week the 5 rooted clones were looking nice but the runt looked awful, so bad that i nearly binned it, im so glad i never, after 2 weeks it decided it wanted to live and took off lol, it started growing head after head and caught up to its sisters in height, i topped the other 5 for 2-3 main heads but left the runt alone, they are now 4 weeks into flower and the runt has 8-9 main heads with some nice size buds and is about 2 foot wide,

to answer your question i would only clone/mother the fastest growing plant that looks nice and bushy. if you do take a cutting off each of your plants, make sure you mark which one came off which so if you end up with a nice plant that yields alot then you know which one to keep as a mother.

Mr. M

i ment breed it by pollinating with a male is what i ment dont know if that would be worth my time. so why did my plant start to flower some under the 18/6 cycle and can i still clone it if its doing that?