Scroggin W/ CFL's


Well-Known Member
THE TITAN IN THE TOTE. Haha everything is looking ace man. Hope your breeding goes nicely and you come up with some new super dank. You should definitely think about hydro at some point, try it out and you might like it more. Who knows, I tried both and landed on hydro! I guess it all depends on the style, and your availability to tend to the plants. I go out of town alot, being able to leave and not worry is ace. I'll be here watching the girl get fat with ya. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
This is as close as i can get with this camera. For some reason it wont focus on the buds. It will focus on the leaves no problem. Ill be able to get some better pics soon.:leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
Do you have a macro feature on your camera? lets you focus close and looks like a super mario flower normally. It took me forever to figure out i had one on mine. Hope you can get some better shots because I'd like to see some budporn!


Well-Known Member
Do you have a macro feature on your camera? lets you focus close and looks like a super mario flower normally. It took me forever to figure out i had one on mine. Hope you can get some better shots because I'd like to see some budporn!
Yea, there's a switch on the side to set it to macro. My old camera broke, so i picked up this $20 digital camera and a memory card. I got what i paid for :lol: Its a big piece of crap. A friend is going to loan me his camera. Ill try to get some up next week. :leaf: :leaf:

Plus, mine do not look as good as yours yet :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'm going to pass on that. Counted 28 bud sites on one of the stems. There's 10 main stems on the oldest plant. So, around 200 bud sites. I wont worry about counting the second plant. :lol:

Its killing me. I have been waiting sense January to fully mature a plant. I f'ed my last grow up, it got as mature as these plants now, then i transplanted it and f'ed it. So, waiting on these buds to fill in is killing me. Keep thinking they wont fill in, because im scarred from my last grow(first solo grow) :D. At least its healthy, right? right!



Active Member
i would say its healthy it looks amazing!! i just purchased some new CFLs and got 2 larger 150 equivilent and new fixtures and have a bunch of light for my flowering... i just need to set up my giant cardboard box and ill be golden!


Active Member
nice bowl holder, you wont lose it that way. i am usually around my plants when im all like "pack emm upppp"


Active Member
did you get your space blanket at walmart? what section are they in? i had one in a road side thing that came with my used car. might need some more :)


Well-Known Member
did you get your space blanket at walmart? what section are they in? i had one in a road side thing that came with my used car. might need some more :)
Yea, found it in the camping section. It comes in a package about the size of a deck of cards. its like $2.79 or something.


Well-Known Member
Do not ever count CFL bulbs by their "equivelent".
This is how the lighting company sells their product.

The only numbers on a CFL bulb that matter to you,
are the Price, Lumen Rating, Actual Wattage, and the Color Temperature in Kelvin.

How are things coming brother, what day of flower is it and how do the top buds look?


Well-Known Member
^^, You'd be amazing how condensed it is then it turns into a 6x4 or something.
Yea i know its crazy. I still have half of one left. Definitely worth the $3 :lol:

Hey indica,

They are flowering so thats good :D. They are 83 days and 76 days old. 4 and 3 weeks flower. I need a better camera. My close ups are shitty. Still waiting on the buds to get frosty. I'm thinking my plants might not be done till mid to end of next month. They will go to day 110 or 120. Maybe by Halloween :leaf:

All my plants are going great. Feeding them every water with MG Cactus plant food :lol:. I use the Cactus food(2-7-7) at half the dose every water. Using 1/2 ph 7.0 RO water, with 1/2 ph 6.5 tap water, and 1tsp of epsoms salt per gal.

Ill take some pics in a little while after they perk up. Just watered them. :leaf: :leaf:

Had to add a second rope to the plants.. They are taking over my box and pushing into the 24oz'ers