Scroggin W/ CFL's


Well-Known Member
Had a veteran pot smoker/grower tell me he uses sediment out of riverbeds to grow with because all of the minerals in which get ran off the mountain by rain and end up in rivers/streams. I tried it once, there were bugs all over my soil. I personally was not into it but i am sure it is good soil. He also grew outdoors so bugs in soil wouldn't be as much of a issue.

if you are looking to get some nice soil and are willing to spend a couple bucks go on ebay/amazon and grab some cheap guano, worm castings, bone and blood meal, dolomite lime and whatever else you might think is necessary. you wont need huge bags unless your making alot of soil. cut the recipe down to make like 1-2 bags of soil or whatever you need. i am sure for under 20 bucks you could get a good amount of additives to add to your soil. just look around for smaller amounts so you dont have to buy a huge bag (ex 50 lb bag of worm castings). There are people on ebay who sell like 3 and 5 pound bags of it for cheap. <--subcool's soil reciple
Awesome. That sounds great for the plants. I would have to get all the stuff locally. Where i live theres no where to buy those ill have to research it a little. I have a family friend that has a business, he hydroponically grows vegetables. i might be heading over there next week to see his setup and maybe to get a setup :D. Would be nice.


Well-Known Member

that is where you will find all of that stuff, i take it you do not want to order online?

if you have to travel a good distance to the nearest one i would recommend calling to make sure they have what you want before making the trip.
I can order online. Only ordered my light so far. I am renting this house from my parents kinda. They still live close and are over a lot. Just trying not to have to much sent to the house causing questions. I give my mother a lot of my pot, its just my father in law is on a need to know basis. Of course he doesn't need to know :D. Even though it should be legal but i wont get into that lol.

If my state ever gets on medical. I will be opening a hydro shop around here.

Im going to have to order some stuff soon. Odds are it will be ok.


Well-Known Member
holy crap putting ice on soil lol now i herd everything IMO not only are you goin to stunt your plants but prob even kill them lol

yes imatating seasons is correct but not doing it that way lol but doin it this way instead

Very nice sir. One day i hope :D. Im done with the ice, just a last ditch effort to try and fatten up the buds.... What size pots are they growing in?.. I think i went a little to big with the 18gal bin. Also, hoping for better seeds.

Definitely a great job. Would be nice to see results like that.


Active Member
Very nice sir. One day i hope :D. Im done with the ice, just a last ditch effort to try and fatten up the buds.... What size pots are they growing in?.. I think i went a little to big with the 18gal bin. Also, hoping for better seeds.

Definitely a great job. Would be nice to see results like that.
I was thinking, if your soil is very sandy then maybe the roots keep moving and layers of soil are sliding around making the roots never settle? This is a HIDEA but it feels right.


Well-Known Member
The plants seem to have a good hold on the soil. They grow great at first. Also, the soil around here is infested with nematodes. They feed on the roots. Not sure if they are able to affect something with that short of a life span. Either way, im done using my backyard soil. I might be chopping it down soon to make room for new plants. Cant wait to get that bin out of there.:) :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I may have missed something, but what exactly is the issue with the soil?

The nematodes may be a problem, but I'm on board with the baking thing. If you don't want to bake it, you could 'can' it (similar to most shroom teks). These plants seem to love the soil, and I think that sterilizing it could only help. When you kill all the organisms, you will gain them back as nutrients. Sure you may be losing beneficial bacteria, but who knows if your soil has any to begin with? Also, if you are having issues with growth, I would suggest using two separate containers, or just putting in a piece of plastic to divide the bin.

Now, everything I have said does not come from experience really. I have a good amount of experience with house plants, and vegetables, but not pot (yet). I have been reading and reading here on RIU for almost 3 years now, and as soon as I have a chance, I want to start my own small grow. That being said, feel free to disregard my advice, I just thought that I'd throw in my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
I may have missed something, but what exactly is the issue with the soil?

The nematodes may be a problem, but I'm on board with the baking thing. If you don't want to bake it, you could 'can' it (similar to most shroom teks). These plants seem to love the soil, and I think that sterilizing it could only help. When you kill all the organisms, you will gain them back as nutrients. Sure you may be losing beneficial bacteria, but who knows if your soil has any to begin with? Also, if you are having issues with growth, I would suggest using two separate containers, or just putting in a piece of plastic to divide the bin.

Now, everything I have said does not come from experience really. I have a good amount of experience with house plants, and vegetables, but not pot (yet). I have been reading and reading here on RIU for almost 3 years now, and as soon as I have a chance, I want to start my own small grow. That being said, feel free to disregard my advice, I just thought that I'd throw in my 2 cents.
Thx for your feedback. They plants seem to grow great in the soil. It is very possible that placement might be the problem with these plants. 18gal bin, and the plants are planted to close the the sides. No where near the middle of the bin. Another thing i think im noticing with my seeds is that pot size has a lot to do with stem growth. As long as the roots keep growing out the plant will produce more stem. Having my plants close to the side, caused one side of the roots to stop and the rest spread out slowly though the rest of the bin. Having the slow stem grow and having one stem support another caused skinny weak stems that are not able to produce that much bud. If i were to remove the ropes, half the plant will probably fall over.

Something i have been wondering. I'm using some MG Cactus food 2-7-7 w/ calmag. It should have everything the plants needs. Could this be the cause of small buds? I know people say to use good nutes like FF and believe me i will when i can, but are MG nutes really that different from FF nutes? I know FF is mostly organic i think, but they both have to provide the same nutrients for a plant to grow.

Any ways, thx for the feedback guys. Hope that new soil and seeds will allow me to complete a grow :) thx again:leaf:


Well-Known Member
is that the ONLY food you have been feeding? how often is your feeding schedule?
NOT for long :D but yes ... I just ordered FF nutrient trio soil from amazon. Should be here in a few days..

My plants are comming down.. I have start setting up for my next grow. Ill take some pics in a few..

Edit SMoking and taking pics.. updating in a sec


Active Member
holy crap its chopped, lol. was going to say leave it since it takes a couple weeks before the new sprouts will be able to be under the hps. oh well, onto the next. got some bud which is better then none at all.


Well-Known Member
It probably wont smoke to great. Most likely i will just make it into hash. We'll see. :D IT was fun at least..

Time to start another one.. I still have one of the 24oz clones going Its going to get all of the hps to its self :D :D.



Active Member
holy crap its gone!!! now u gotta get your artificial selection going on and breed unknown strains and make some bomb new hybrids! im trying to i got a pollen plant outside to harvest pollen for later sprouts i have growing as well... i wanna play marijuana jesus haha


Well-Known Member
raise that clone as close to it as possible

Its nice to be able to drop the hps so low. I had it on stands before. Starting at ground level, the tallest i want my plants to get is 45". I think i will have to go with pretty small pots. Still not 100% on the size to go with. Cant wait to see how FF works.

Heres some pics.. I just cleaned the box out and its getting ready for the next batch. I think i might sprout some of my shitty seeds and put them in the 24oz bottles. With all the room i have now :D
