Sea of Green ?? or to much


Active Member
I am growing in a closet 28" x 56"...roughly 2 1/2 ft by 4 1/2 ft. I'm using a 400w HPS light. I have 7 plants roughly 36" tall. The space is full...completely. I keep my lights 6" to 12" above the "sea of green". I'm just wondering if I should be pruning a bit to let the light penetrate better and let more of the light to the areas with the better buds. I started 12/12 10 days age so I can id all the potential good buds. Thanks


Well-Known Member
3' tall 10 days into flowering. Do you have a lot of height in that closet? you are going to need it. Those plants will double or triple in height. Do you know what strain? Watch for sexing very carefully. VV


Active Member
I started from seeds I got from a friend. This is my third grow. These are clones of those. I know I have 2 different strains...just not sure which. I have at least 2-3 feet left in height. (thats as far up as I can put the lights without really making some mods).


Well-Known Member
I would prune a bit. Maybe 3 out of 7. So You can sorta gauge what the results are. I experiment on every grow. If you think you can do better, just try it and make a note of what happens. I bet you'll do a good job on pruning.
I've never had a bad result. Maybe I lost some yield, but some of my most pruned plants produced the sweetest bud.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
With only a 400 watt light...I'd trim alll of the lower bud sites/shoots (leaveve the leaves) off and go for top bud growth only. The lower stuff is not gonna fill out being 3-5 ft from that small of a light. It's best, IMO, to focus on getting good colas. You may want to think about flowering sooner next go around...dunno.

search for "pistlwhip" on google and see if anyhting comes up. /this guy prunes like crazy..very aggressivley..and he gets massive tops from doing so.

good luck

bt dt


Active Member
I pretty much fallowed Moogie's link...including some experimenting with supercropping. We'll see how it goes. I did all the pruning and then watered real good...maybe that will less'n the shock. Thanks for the suggestions.