Sea of Seeds review


Well-Known Member
They will take care of you, count on it.

Not a SoS plant, just a satisfied customer. SoS is solid and legit.
Fair enough kind sir. Luckily for us who haven't had such a wonderful experience there's herbies and cannazon which I might add have gear sos cant or dosn't seem to be able to get there hands on! Just saying if your gonna help out growers give them ALL there options!


Well-Known Member
something is going on here... on SOS page it says no more credit card sales atm. only bit coin, bank transfer and pay by post.

my bank wont allow purchases from Attitude at all anymore.
banks are starting to force their customers into their own personal opinions by doing this, preventing people from buying something they dont agree with.

so i checked out SoS today and even want to make an order, but i dont do bit coin. thats sketchy, they change too much too. and u gonna have to add at least $23 extra or so to whatever u need to send in cash by mail for shipping, so u risk at least $30 or so in the mail. thats not cool...

whats going on here E M??


New Member
Id suggest sea of seeds over any other seed bank. especially if credit cards are usable again soon! amazing prices on normally high priced seeds on the right day. The guy who first posted this had his package intercepted and they didn't even find the seeds which is a plus imo. btw can you buy bitcoins online easily? I want more seeds and the only seed bank I feel comfortable ordering from again is SOS, but I only have a prepaid CC. I know you can mine for bitcoins, but I'd have to run a miner for something like 30 years all day every day to get enough for 1 order.


Well-Known Member

  • Hi All

    Sos i doing its upmost to get this card processing back up, if only you knew what hoops they have been jumping through to get this sorted if it was easy there would be shit loads of sites pop up. Anyways we are hoping its not long now

    Bit coin is just another option Sos added for people as it was requested and to be honest Sos has had a good response from it,
    Sos will be at the 26th cannabis cup in amsterdam as normal so it should be good if you are their come and see us

    Anyway peeps im due to go abroad again very soon so if i dont answer straight away i will at some point​
