Sealed Co2 Rooms



I've been doing a lot of reading on co2 grow rooms, but I still have some questions that I don't seem to understand. These questions might sound a little stupid, but I'm really clueless!

Is it possible to have a sealed Veg room with only co2 running in it? I know plants need o2 at night for root development.. How would this work? And, how does a split A/C work in a sealed room? The air the split A/C is getting is coming from outside..



Are you running hydro? Is so yes run the co2 during the day timed. If it is hydro you can put air stones in the res and controller 24 hours, this will get oxygen to the roots. The air condition will bring in air from outside and that is a good thing. Usually you want an intake, and exhaust in your rooms, atleast in my opinion.


Active Member
U dont want c02 in veg bro. It only helps in fruiting.
I heard the split ac dont work for shit but u got the concept of em.
Why not a window ac? I have the cheap o ones for like 99 bucks and it cools my sealed flower room with the 1k blulb


Well-Known Member
Co2 in veg is a waste of money and time... I run a sealed room and I dont ever use co2 in veg, it doesnt do much save your money and time and use it in flower. Mini Split AC's actually are preferred for running a sealed room with co2 its that or use central AC, single hose portable units will suck out all of your co2. So by all means buy that Mini Split especially if you are running a sealed room now you wont need air cooled hoods or fans sucking the hot air from the HPS. Trust me on this I been running a sealed room for a while, also you will probably have to buy a co2 controller. I have one from Titan its light sensitive so when the lights come on it triggers the regulator to spit out co2 until I hit 1500 PPM.


Well-Known Member
U dont want c02 in veg bro. It only helps in fruiting.
I heard the split ac dont work for shit but u got the concept of em.
Why not a window ac? I have the cheap o ones for like 99 bucks and it cools my sealed flower room with the 1k blulb
A lot of people who run co2 and cant afford a mini split AC will use window units, I have never used one but some say you can have success. But if you plan on growing for a while and want to have a bad ass set up and you can afford the mini split then buy that motherfucker!!


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree that co2 in veg is a waste. It helps reduce grow time in veg, which is what everybody wants! The sooner we flower the sooner we harvest!


Well-Known Member
I disagree with the no co2 in veg as well. The plant takes in co2 in all stages of it's grow. But dosnt take in as much in veg sence plants are small. And a mini split is great just people don't hook them up right. Here is what I do. Sence I haven't got the money for my split yet. I feed the flower room with co2. Run a window AC in there. Have a 6" fan hooked to a temp switch in my veg room. When temps get 80 in veg it takes the cool co2 air from flower room and feeds veg room. Don't think there is a need to go above 600ppm in veg but fully sealed they need co2. O2 is in root zone only. And that comes from a filtered line outside the co2 enriched room.


Well-Known Member
plants need and love co2 in all stages. a mini split brings absolutely nothing into or out of the room in regards to enviroment. the inside unit cools the air in the room, there is no loss, and is the best way to grow, hands down. there is no other style of ac that will work better for a sealed room, period. my room is probably one of the most sealed you will ever see.


Finally, replies!

Well, I figured out that it's okay to use co2 during veg. photosynthesis is photosynthesis. The h20 you put into the plant, is the o2 it uses @ night. Its better to use a compressed co2, rather than a generator, because it produces waay too much heat and rH (saves you $). mucho thanks for insight, you guys!



Well-Known Member
generators really dont put out that much heat. raise rh? saves money? it is by far cheaper to use a generator. my savings in propane would pay for a bottle setup in a year.


Well-Known Member
plants need and love co2 in all stages. a mini split brings absolutely nothing into or out of the room in regards to enviroment. the inside unit cools the air in the room, there is no loss, and is the best way to grow, hands down. there is no other style of ac that will work better for a sealed room, period. my room is probably one of the most sealed you will ever see.
I agree to disagree, I have ran both co2 in veg and flower many times I didnt see any major significant growth in veg. But I agree Co2 is fine for all stages of life it just didnt do enough for me to run it in veg the whole time.