Sealed Grow Room - What do I need?

yes with a 10x25 room the burner will do short on/off cycles to keep the ppm in range

during the establishment phase (rooting in the medium) the pilot flame will propably be just enough keep your room around 450ppm

as the plants enter bloom you can increase the levels and add on/off cycles on the main burner
don't run too dry or your plants will get droopy with co2. you want your room hot and humid

if you live a cold climate the 36000 btu AC will do the trick
but it's better to install 2x 1.5 ton minisplits

ps: do buy electric inition burner, that's my advise. stick to the good old reliable pilot flame
Hello all,

What is typically needed for a sealed grow room to control temperatures, humidity, etc.? (AKA no air coming in or going out due to using CO2)
I have my lights (6x1000w HPS Gavitas), insulation (spray foam, fiberglass, foam board), and almost the panda film up in my 10ft (W) x 15ft (L) x 9ft (H) shed and live in a Zone 5 climate (Michigan) where it gets pretty cold. Anyways, with two little heaters the room stays nice and warm and this is without any lights on. There are no light or air leaks.

Again, my question is simply if giving a shopping list of things I would need to pickup... what would I get? Michigan is typically cold and cool for most months of the year and the humidity pretty OK.. not to dry not to damp although we do have the great lakes, etc. Again, the goal though is to almost care less about outside environment and just control inside.

So list would be:
... more?

BONUS question.... What does ballasts do for lights? Should I use them? Are they needed at all or mandatory? Do some lights like Gavitas come with them built in?

Thanks a bunch!
I feel like this is a test question. <looks around for hidden camera>.

Why would you have 6 1kw HPS and not know you need ballasts (which are included).
Sorry. Just seems fishy.
yes with a 10x25 room the burner will do short on/off cycles to keep the ppm in range

during the establishment phase (rooting in the medium) the pilot flame will propably be just enough keep your room around 450ppm

as the plants enter bloom you can increase the levels and add on/off cycles on the main burner
don't run too dry or your plants will get droopy with co2. you want your room hot and humid

if you live a cold climate the 36000 btu AC will do the trick
but it's better to install 2x 1.5 ton minisplits

ps: do buy electric inition burner, that's my advise. stick to the good old reliable pilot flame
So, will a tank of any other method of CO2 delivery work for a 10x25?

Secondly, are you saying 36k btu total will do the trick? (also, why not just do a 36k unit with two zones?)
So, will a tank of any other method of CO2 delivery work for a 10x25?

Secondly, are you saying 36k btu total will do the trick? (also, why not just do a 36k unit with two zones?)
didnt understand the first question

yes 3 ton is the right size (if you climate is cool, with very hot summer its another story

get 2 unit because if one fail the other will allow you to finish the run on the ankles
and get reversible inverter minisplits, they will heat your room during night time and cool it when lights are ON
you will also need a big ass dehumidifier

and for your ballast try to wire them out of the room
if they are inside you want unwanted heat to treat and it waste energy
It is a 10x25 ft room so you are saying only a burner would get my ppm up high enough?
That would add too much heat I am sure.
I will be getting a 3ton mini split (36k btu) and not even sure it could handle the burner addition, etc. But if using tank or bag it wont get high enough? Hmmmm if that is the case than should I even use CO2 at all? Skip the mini split and exchange the air using a high CFM inline fan with intake and exhaust 6in or higher?
Yeah my bad mate disregard my burner comment, thought it was another thread.
didnt understand the first question

yes 3 ton is the right size (if you climate is cool, with very hot summer its another story

get 2 unit because if one fail the other will allow you to finish the run on the ankles
and get reversible inverter minisplits, they will heat your room during night time and cool it when lights are ON
My climate can get up to 90-95 degrees in summer for Michigan and with 6k watts of HPS lights will ever need heat all? That is 18k+ BTUs of heat with just the lights.
My climate can get up to 90-95 degrees in summer for Michigan and with 6k watts of HPS lights will ever need heat all? That is 18k+ BTUs of heat with just the lights.
except when lights are out and you will need about 70,000 btu of gas heat when lights are out
Over prepare for the worst
Just my 2 cents on the co2. Get a generator. My 20x30 is perfect for an 8 burner Ares. Hopefully you have an outside propane tank, or a LP gas line you can tap into. I have a 500 gallon propane tank, and it supplies my residence as well for back up emergency heat (which we used alot of during this past Snowmagedon), but I haven't had to top it off in a year, and at 30% right now. Bottles are going to get used up pretty quickly, and you're going to get tired of it. A generator is set it and forget it. I have mine hooked up to a Spartan controller, so I just set my ppm's and let it do it's thing. It will burn for about 20 min after the lights come on, and then for about 2 1/2 minutes ever hour or so. Very good investment. Also, if you think your buildout is going to cost you $25,000.. plan on $50,000. It's like building a house... everybody goes way over budget.
So, I was taking a look at Co2 burners and some come with cooling to reduce BTUs (Amazing!) but as far as CO2 bags go... I see some cover up to 36sqft, etc. and some others 128 cubic sq ft... and last for many months (6-12).... my questions is.... can I just hang up a bunch of bags spread out properly over the plants to do the trick since it falls right on the plant? I would need 6 larger bags or 18 smaller ones. Anyone do this or is this just dumb?