Sealed Room-Portable AC Don't Mix? Solutions?

Ok, I have a sealed room setup for CO2 containment, with my light having it's own input and output air source. I was having temp issues so I got a portable AC(single hose) : (
I didn't realize that the AC sucks air in and blows hot air out as well as cold out so now all my CO2 is getting sucked out through the hot air vent on my AC. I can't seem to think of a solution besides cycling between either running CO2 or AC which isn't really a solution if I have to run the AC for most of the time. So I just though I'd put it out there and see if someone else had a solution to this problem. Note: Even if I had the money to get a dual hose system which I don't, the only place I could get input air for the AC would be from the attic which is over a 100 degrees which would probably fry my AC that I spent $400 on pretty quick.
i have the same problem. what if you just pump more Co2 in the room? seems with all the fans the Co2 will get to the plants.i could be very wrong though.


Well-Known Member
You can't grow with a sealed ( airtight room ) there was a guy tried this on OG a while back, the ethelene gas builds up & stunts growth. But this isn't actually sealed just ac'd, right?
Victory, that's why I'm hitting you guys up because I want to control my environment, and more heads are better than one. I guess I will just keep adding more CO2 to make up for the lost CO2. I don't have the money right now for a ductless and I would be skeptical of them anyway until I see how they work. Thanks for the responses. One other thing I might try is to custom duct the intake for the AC to pull air from outside my tent from my secondary room and just deal with the positive pressure, but hopefully a more efficient loss of CO2. Hopefully the kids can drink up most of the juice before the positive pressure pushes out the juiced air, rather then sucked out faster through the AC. I might just be trading my poison but I won't know until I can afford to pick a a CO2 PPM monitor and see which way is the best. And yes the room is not 100% sealed, but I don't have a constant circulation of fresh air, or at least I wasn't supposed to before this AC problem. Thanks again guys.


Active Member
You can't grow with a sealed ( airtight room ) there was a guy tried this on OG a while back, the ethelene gas builds up & stunts growth. But this isn't actually sealed just ac'd, right?
i'm sorry, but that is not true. i have seen and heard of sealed greenhouses with co2 systems, and they work great. this is from an actual greenhouse not a home made one in the back yard, and not for mj either. just your average everyday green house to get everything but some cannabis plants.


Active Member
I run a similar portable ac, i discovered on mine that it had 2 "Intake" grills, 1 gets sucked in cooled and blown out the front and 1 that gets sucked in to cool the compressor which is exhausted outside. My solution was to box in the intake that gets exhausted and run a 6" flex duct from it running outside, essentially turning it into a 2 tube portable. May not be 100% sealed and it may be a lil ghetto but it works quite well and it was cheap and easy to put together.

Good Luck
my room is sealed,I use a ductless and supplement c02,where you been? It's called controlling your enviroment.
i have an exhaust out from the A/C that goes to a carbon filter in crawlspace under the roof. i do open the door sometimes to get some fresh air in but the Co2 seems to be enough. and in the long run, the amount of Co2 i have to buy seems o.k. when i look at the quality i'm getting. next i work on quantity.
ideal-air makes a mini duct system and multiple portable systems that work very well. the mini duct system from ideal air is great for a single room but for a multi room system i would recommend mitsubiti, aircon, or toshiba. they all have great multizone systems that have multiple different interchangeable components. all close looped as well, co2 saver!:lol: