Sealed room with gavitas has leafs slightly cupin.


Well-Known Member
have you got no fans moving air around the leaves ?

good air circulation will help you get a better idea of the temps and humidity in the room

same strain every time since you went with co2 ?


Well-Known Member
Ok so here is an update.
Yesterday I sprayed the plants with a foliar of Liquid Karma.
I turned down all my lights to 600w and unplugged one too.
So now there is 5 on at 600w
I also last night for about 20 mins opened the door and had in intake fan blow fresh air in the room.
This is a picture was taken at midnight last night

and here is a picture of right now.


Active Member
Ok so here is an update.
Yesterday I sprayed the plants with a foliar of Liquid Karma.
I turned down all my lights to 600w and unplugged one too.
So now there is 5 on at 600w
I also last night for about 20 mins opened the door and had in intake fan blow fresh air in the room.
This is a picture was taken at midnight last night

and here is a picture of right now.
Sorry to bring up a old post but @Daggy did you end up finding out the problem? Ive just set up a sealed room and having exactly the dame problem