Well-Known Member
Great job my friend. I'm sure you'll have some good numbers when all said and done.

Great job on the smoke report bro and I wish I could sample some of those fine buds you have there. Kinda sad to see that your gonna be out of the game for a bit but ya gotta do what you gotta do. As you know I had to stop for a bit myself and it's been kinda nice taking a break from it all but I'm starting to get the itch again. The first stuff I moved out was all my grow gear. I never knew how much gear I had until I started moving. When I think I've moved it all, I find something else. I got almost all the small stuff moved now, all that's left is the big stuff like furniture and such. The big move day is on the seventh of this month. So If I'm lucky I'll have some seeds popping by the end of the month.
Check ya later my friend.
I really have been wanting some of that blue widow. next order its on my list.
LoL Don't give me any Idea's my friend. Although burning the place down would be a lot easier than moving. I got the moving part almost licked now. I should be outta here in less than a week.
Peace man.