Searching for Gold, Columbian Gold

Smoke Report from the successful regrow attempt w/ Landrace Colombian Gold and Blue Widow:
After 3+weeks of curing my harvest on 6-5-11 on both these 2 strains I wanted to make a fair and honest assessment of the quality of these 2 strains, so here we go

Landrace Colombian Gold: this strain from the 1st grow was already awesome in it’s own rights, smell, taste, bag appeal... the high and medical benefits I’d rate an easy 8 out of 10. The re-grow was an attempt to find out if I could get more of a knockdown and/or couch lock from it.... and I did, I would actually rate it now at a 8.5, perhaps even better. Keeping in mind I had experienced smoking opium laced hash in Europe many years ago while stationed in Germany, which I’d rate the hash any easy 10+++, the LCG is not that of course, but I’d rank it in the top 5 bud I have smoked in my past 30+ years experience smoking marijuana. I will note that the effects do not last as long as the first grow and it has lost it’s creep up effect which hits you in about 10-15 minutes or so you go into that stoner moment for a few hours, with that said however, you receive that stoner moment within 1-2 minutes now, but once again the effects only last for about 6 hours instead of 8-10, not a bad trade, cuz now it will kick your butt faster, better and of course will put you down on that couch allot faster than I had hoped.
Bag appeal
: 8/10
Taste: 8/10 even smoother than before, sweet as sweet can be, makes my mouth water when I smoke it
Smell: 8/10 like the taste, smells like ripened fruit
High: 8.5/10

Blue Widow: this strain is in my opinion probably one of the best buds out there to consume. The taste, smell and effects is even more superior to the LCG.... I did not want to amber it out like I did w/the Gold, but I thought what the hell and the difference just made it so much better than the 1 grow w/this awesome strain. I’d like to state to any new growers out there as well as seasoned growers, grow this strain, you will not regret 1st grow I believed I rated it a 8 to an it’s a 9.9+ imo.... the high is so hard to describe, because I just get to stoned whenever I smoke just a half doob of it, kid you not.....
Bag appeal
: 8/10 solid hard nuggets, lighter color than regular bud imo
Taste: 9/10 you get the after taste of blueberries, also when I first smoked it from my 1st run it tasted so familuar, then I realized that the taste of European opium laced hash came to mind...really hard to describe.... but a great taste, not harsh but comes w/little cough on the deeper draws, but who cares
Smell: 9/10 exactly like juicy fruit gum or fruity gum or candy and very potent smell in fact...
High: 9.9/10, the very best, only difference is on the regrow, this time it has the creep up on ya effect, and man it slams you up against the wall, however once again the high only last about 6-7 hours from 1 doob....
In closing I putting my next grow on pause until August or September, trying to get my shack ready for sale by 1-2-12, with little hope, the smell of growing will have disappeared by the time for our open house in January 2012, that is if we survive the Mayan’s December 21st 2012 predictions, I guess we will see after that, at least I’m well stocked in but..... hope everybody has a nice 4th of July and thanks for all the support....:leaf:
Great job on the smoke report bro and I wish I could sample some of those fine buds you have there. Kinda sad to see that your gonna be out of the game for a bit but ya gotta do what you gotta do. As you know I had to stop for a bit myself and it's been kinda nice taking a break from it all but I'm starting to get the itch again. The first stuff I moved out was all my grow gear. I never knew how much gear I had until I started moving. When I think I've moved it all, I find something else. I got almost all the small stuff moved now, all that's left is the big stuff like furniture and such. The big move day is on the seventh of this month. So If I'm lucky I'll have some seeds popping by the end of the month.

Check ya later my friend.
Great job on the smoke report bro and I wish I could sample some of those fine buds you have there. Kinda sad to see that your gonna be out of the game for a bit but ya gotta do what you gotta do. As you know I had to stop for a bit myself and it's been kinda nice taking a break from it all but I'm starting to get the itch again. The first stuff I moved out was all my grow gear. I never knew how much gear I had until I started moving. When I think I've moved it all, I find something else. I got almost all the small stuff moved now, all that's left is the big stuff like furniture and such. The big move day is on the seventh of this month. So If I'm lucky I'll have some seeds popping by the end of the month.

Check ya later my friend.

thanks Dropastone, yeah it would be kool if we could sample each others bud... I kinda needed a little break from growing, but I already miss it, but I need to get a few things done around the house first, including adding more power to the house... I'll have to have contractors in a few days as well, don't want them smelling a grow... your close in getting moved in, I hate moving.... for me it's easier to just light a match and collect the insurance..... damn if my placed burned down, payday would be over 340k....... uhmm?

I really have been wanting some of that blue widow. next order its on my list.

Yeah, you'll get addicted to Blue Widow, I'll smoke it all day and nite for days on end, but when I light up a Colombian Gold, it just totally relax and mellows you out, then bam! your hit w/that stoner moment for 3-4 hours....

thanks again guys
LoL Don't give me any Idea's my friend. Although burning the place down would be a lot easier than moving:fire:. I got the moving part almost licked now. I should be outta here in less than a week.

Peace man.
LoL Don't give me any Idea's my friend. Although burning the place down would be a lot easier than moving:fire:. I got the moving part almost licked now. I should be outta here in less than a week.

Peace man.

Despite the housing market these days, I hope w/some remodeling it will attract a few potential buyers. We, my wife and I, live in a 4 BR w/2.5 baths on a large corner lot. 3 blocks from elementry school, the neighborhood was built in the late 1960's. Our yard is hugh w/an unattached 3 car garage.... lots of trees, lots of nosey nieghbors...

plan to install 2 woodburners this fall, one in the living room, the other in my "man cave family room"... right next to the bar, or I may convert the bar into a office/den, I don't drink anymore, the wife thinks the bar should stay...

I want to add more power to the house, hense the hps lighting I'll be using on the next grow.... hope to have the upgrade of power in my mid August, once completed I can start my new grow.... later bro, hope you and yours have a happy, safe 4th July this year....:eyesmoke:
thanks upthearsenal...

Been thinking about the next grow, this one I'm going to attempt a perpetual grow.... I'm glad I did not start a new grow this summer w/the heat in the midwest.... anyway I'll get back to ya on the upcoming grow...