Seasonal Growers - How much do you store?


Active Member
It looks like my grow season needs to wrap up in the next month and a half or so and I am looking for advice from those that grow only part of the year indoors.

I'm a single grower, Growing only for personal medical use. I can't afford the electric bill that will come with trying to keep the grow rooms cool in the hot summer months to come. During this winter I have ran a 4 room SOG setup. Clone - Beginning Veg - Veg - Flower. In the past month or so I have gotten down to just my Veg & Flowering room. Basically eliminating my SOG set up to prepare for complete shutdown for the summer ahead.

My question is, If you personally only grow for half the year how much do you usually try to yield to get you through the off season? (Assuming most of your yield is used for personal use)